Was just listening to Glenn Beck,

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Beck was on it again today

Had an interview with the former police chief of NYC(Keroak? Unsure of spelling) and specifically asked about Giuliani and guns.

Reply was classic 'NYC and places like LA are special', 'Rudy wanted only the "right people" to have permits', etc. Lots of excuses for Giuliani. And Beck didn't back off, pointed out that the 'right people' nonsense was exactly the kind of crap that worries people. And ended the segment with "I don't remember reading that 'right people' part in the Constitution."

Glad I was listening.
I've only seen this guy on TV, but I'm surprised so many here listen to him.

Personally, I can't stand the guy.
Interesting to hear people on THR like Glenn Beck, he seems to be nothing more than another neo con with a TV show. What annoys me about him is that he grossly oversimplifies, and dramatises every topic he discuss which makes me believe he does not have a full understand about the topics.
cbsbyte, I'm curious, what do you classify as a 'neo con'?

Of course he overdramatizes at times, he's an entertainer and commentator talking about news. I don't have cable so I don't watch his show on CNN, I usually catch his radio show in the morning. He's got one big saving grace over a lot of others, when he gets some politician/activist/whatever on and asks a question, and they talk around it, he asks the question again and demands an actual answer. Nice change.
Interesting to hear people on THR like Glenn Beck, he seems to be nothing more than another neo con with a TV show. What annoys me about him is that he grossly oversimplifies, and dramatises every topic he discuss which makes me believe he does not have a full understand about the topics.
I don't know how much you've heard him, but it takes a while to "get" him. I did't like him the first time I heard him either.

He can be incredibly funny, plus he's got a mean streak that I find refreshing.

At first I was worried by all of his apparent fawning over Giuliani. But when I heard him hold Kerik's feet to the fire, it brought a smile to my face.

I find his periodic careening into religious zealotry tiresome; His (and Michael Medved's) apparent morbid fear of pornography is creepy.

All that having been said, I find him entertaining and listen to him on the internet every day.
Also if you're just seeing his TV show, you're not really catching the context he's talking from. Most of the detail he goes into just isn't doable on a TV schedule.

But yeah,it does take a while to get him. :)

From today -

"take the guns away, crime goes up.. and facism is just around the corner."

He's definately one of us. I don't know if he has an EBR yet... but if not, I'm sure he'll come around sooner or later. :)
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