Watch The U.n. Gun Debate On Pay-per-view!

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And HTF does the UN expect to get our guns anyway? The US has ALWAYS made up the bulk of the UN's expeditionary forces when the UN wants something done. If the UN wants my guns that bad, they can come to my front door and ask for them.

I asked some of the UN Special Operations folk that specific question. "What do think would happen if UN personnel were ordered to go to America and take people's privately owned firearms?" It took a while to get it translated, because I don't think the guy believed he made the correct translation.

After asking a few questions, how many firearms the US had, how many trained people there were, etc he gave me his answer. "I'd resign." Everyone else in his squad agreed. He got kinda pale when I explained that advanced firearms training was perfectly legal for civilians, and was a fairly popular sport here in the States. FrontSite, BlackWater, IDPA, etc.

From the tactical standpoint, they'd be a foreign quasi-military that didn't really speak the local lingo and would have a hard time blending in with the locals. There would be little to no emotional stigma for locals (ie, us Americans) to kill or torture the UN personnel cracking down on the locals. That innate "Us vs Them" thing caved into every human's brain. A significant number of local liason personnel (ie, cops and feds) would leak information to locals, meaning they'd be ambushed anywhere they went.

Basically, the UN's commandos thought it'd be a suicide mission and wouldn't do it. Period. In other words, the blue helmets aren't coming. They don't WANT to come either, and would literally be have to be forced at gunpoint to do their job.

Due to Hollywood's propaganda, most foreign militaries think Americans are crazy to some extent, and rather dangerous to back into a corner. They think EVERYONE here has a gun and is likely to use it, especially on a foreign military on American soil.
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