We lose everyone's guns! (Israeli Secret Service loses pistols.)

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Wow! There's a Glock war going on in a room talking about stolen weapons. I remain neutral on the Glock issue, However Can we stay on topic about how a nation's ally managed to lose weapons belonging to a High profile person's security? I am actually thinking that the White House is behind it, I mean look what they've done to another close ally, Britain. The British gave Obama a nice thoughtful gift, and in return he gave them a collection of crappy DVD "classics", the same thing you get from a 3rd world street vendor. What a slap in the face!
I seriously doubt the government is going through the trouble to harass them.
More likely some punk working in baggage somewhere along the route stole some guns just like they probably have stolen expensive items from less important people.

For all you know they may have even sent the baggage to the other side of the country to cover up the theft.

Someone somewhere opened it up, and stole the guns according to the story. I don't know what else was in the bag, but if there was more and it was not missing, then the box with guns didn't just fall out leaving the other stuff.
If it did fall out then other stuff would have as well, and a box of serial numbered guns would turn up.
If the bag was closed then at some point it was opened, the gun case stolen, and the bag closed again.

These all sound like scenarios more likely involving someone employed who has contact with baggage.
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So disappointing to open a thread hoping to read about my fellow Jews going after the pistol pilferers and only getting to hear the age old "my glock's better than your (insert any other pistol here)" argument. I would imagine that the Israeli's use Glocks for the same reason that the US military contracted for Beretta 92's. Money.
AA (Armaments Anonymous) - stealing guns more successfully than the TSA (Take Stuff Away).

Good to Go. That was some good info on the feed and frame design. You are the first one I heard explain it clearly and concisely with out a bunch of "I'm a rocket scientist" yada yada. Thank you.
Top . . . Men

You have to pause between the words "top" and "men" in the second iteration.

Top . . . Men.

And it helps if you say it with a pipe jammed in your mouth.

If you have ever seen the episode of "How do they do it?" on the Science Channel about how baggage gets from the point where you check it to your destination, it looks like the warehouse in a twisted way. As in, I have no clue how more bags are not lost in air travel with that messed up system they have. It is like a labrynth of conveyors and chutes.
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