We need more Black gun owners in the NRA

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Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Emancipation Proclamation ring any bells?

I realize it was a tactic, but it was a beginning of the end of that idiotic institution.

I'm not sure when the whole Democrats are the black people's friends started, but it ain't necessarily so.

Robert Byrd, ancient member of Congress, is a Democrat, and an ex-Klansman. Imagine that, somebody's dogma ran into karma. LOL

We need more people to vote pro-gun, whatever their pigmentation or religion. Period.

Oops, somebody beat me to the Byrd thing while I was typing. Oh well, the truth is what it is.
Billy Williams And Earnie Banks were a couple of negro hunters. I don't think they were calling themselves black yet when they used to come down pheasant hunting while playing for the Cubs. Actually I don't remember the subject coming up at all. They were just a couple of guys that liked to hunt and shoot.
kyo Just curious do you belong to jpfo?
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you guys believe what you want to believe. NRA is republican, but its not cause Democrats are in the NRA. NRA is racist, but its not cause black, white, jew, asian, hispanic, and whatever else are part of the NRA.
The south is racist, but I lived here as a jew for 20 years and have heard the dumb stuff while I was in public school, not out in the real world. In fact, the worst I heard is im goin to hell cause I don't believe in jesus. That isn't racist, that isn't anything. its a freaking opinion.
If your opinion is that all republicans think black folks want handouts, then you are in fact re-enforcing that thought. It is wrong. If you actually believe in the issues of one party but refuse to be a part of it because of what you were taught while being brought up then that is your problem.
Im not a republican or Democrat. I have mixed views on the whole thing. But I don't make assumptions. if you are going to say one party is racist you better have proof.
What is the difference between a black guy calling a white guy racist and a white guy calling a black guy racist? nothing. racism is racism. You want it to end? Stop trying to be so separate from the rest of the country. include all, listen to all and respect all. We all have too big of ego's to really be able to respect.
Billy Williams And Earnie Banks were a couple of negro hunters. I don't think they were calling themselves black yet when they used to come down pheasant hunting while playing for the Cubs. Actually I don't remember the subject coming up at all. They were just a couple of guys that liked to hunt and shoot.

Hmm Williams and Banks were hunters? Even more of a reason to admire and respect them....Mr Cub what a class act. Maybe that should have been "Lets shoot two" :)
Why do we need more black gun owners in the NRA?

How about more gun owners in the NRA- period?

Why limit yourself to blacks. Maybe we should look for deaf Jewish Lesbian Black woman cancer survivors who are in wheelchairs.

Then we get more minorities covered with one! Plus they get the cool parking spaces so when you carpool with them it's like, hey, no more long walks to the car!
I'm not sure when the whole Democrats are the black people's friends started, but it ain't necessarily so.

It started in the early 1960's and solidified in the 1970's.

Some historical perspective:

Civil Rights Act of 1964

The bill was introduced by President John F. Kennedy in his civil rights speech of June 12, 1963,[1] in which he asked for legislation "giving all Americans the right to be served in facilities which are open to the public—hotels, restaurants, theaters, retail stores, and similar establishments," as well as "greater protection for the right to vote."

Southern Strategy

Although the phrase "Southern strategy" is often attributed to Richard Nixon strategist Kevin Phillips, he did not originate it, but merely popularized it. In an interview included in a 1970 New York Times article, he touched on its essence:

From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.
I'm not sure when the whole Democrats are the black people's friends started, but it ain't necessarily so.
It started in the early 1960's and solidified in the 1970's.

Some historical perspective:

Civil Rights Act of 1964

The bill was introduced by President John F. Kennedy in his civil rights speech of June 12, 1963,[1] in which he asked for legislation "giving all Americans the right to be served in facilities which are open to the public—hotels, restaurants, theaters, retail stores, and similar establishments," as well as "greater protection for the right to vote."
Southern Strategy

Although the phrase "Southern strategy" is often attributed to Richard Nixon strategist Kevin Phillips, he did not originate it, but merely popularized it. In an interview included in a 1970 New York Times article, he touched on its essence:

From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.

But, the likes of the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons and the Rev. Wrights have take it to a whole new level. Oh, and I forgot the Bill Clintons and James Carvilles who have probably done as much in modern times to cause discord between the races as anyone. All for political gain.

(And I'm NOT a Black hater)
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My comments regarding lazy perception-based people was just that, PEOPLE. I did not state that black people were lazy, an inference that Jbrown50 made. I was stating that many people in general are lazy and not self directed learners. I would suggest that jbrown read for content and not be so quick to jump on words that were not said, but what he misread. My comments are only my opinion. At least read them for what they are.
But, the likes of the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons and the Rev. Wrights have take it to a whole new level. Oh, and I forgot the Bill Clintons and James Carvilles who have probably done as much in modern times to cause discord between the races as anyone. All for political gain.

(And I'm NOT a Black hater)


I go out and talk to other Blacks, in an attempt to get them over to 'our' side, the pro-2A side. Whenever I bring up the subject of joining a pro-gun organization like the NRA, GOA, VCDL, etc., the responses I get are "oh no, that's a Republican organization. Republicans are racist." or they simply say "I can't join them". Whenever White Republicans make racially inflammatory comments, no matter what the intent is, they (potential Black converts) point to it and say: "see...what did I tell you". It makes my efforts that much more difficult.

The Republican Party isn't racist and neither is the NRA but it's the perception and it's fueled by the fiery tongues of both sides AND there're various alterior motives, not just political power.

My point is that it's not particularly the fault of the NRA.

Conservative Blacks and conservative Whites have much more in common than we realize, but we need to first sit down and have a meaningful dialogue regarding race. Denial and sticking our heads in the sand won't solve anything but continue to allow stereotypes and lies to perpetuate.

The enemies goal is to keep us from having that get together.

Glad you came back. Well, obviously we know that all R or D party people and all NRA people and all white people and all black people are not racist- and some are.

A big problem that I see is the stereotyping that occurs in both white and black, and not always against each other. North and South do each other pretty well also. That is something (stereotype views of each other) that needs to be whipped. What disturbs me greatly is when I see our politicians and other key people pitting us against each other (using these and any other techniques) for their own selfish benefit and agendas.

I want to see black people consider themselves part of America and participate in the dream - embrace the system and benefit from it as most white people do and feel. America will be so better off and so will blacks. And, maybe more will be inclined to join organizations like the NRA and similar groups.

Now, there is something that Id like to see done away with and that is the term African-American. I am white and caucasian and you should be black or negro. No one calls me European-American and I don't want to be. These terms to me are excluding terms. If I were called European-American, I'd fell like I was something less than 100% within the system. But to me, that is what the coiners of the term African-American had in mind. If people can be made to feel that they are less than full participants in something, then they can be more easily be persuaded toward another's politics or agenda. I do realize there is much more than just that which has to be worked on.

What say you.

By the way, I'm not afraid to openly and frankly (nor too sensitive) to discuss issues, even if I have to eat some crow too - at least once in a while. :)
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On this topic, here's a very interesting website:

Black Man With A Gun


It makes the argument that historically, much of the gun-control effort in America has been aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of blacks.

Certainly true of the Mulford Act in California, signed by Governor Ronald Reagan in 1967, which forbade the carrying of guns in public. This was specifically aimed at the fear of Black Panthers, but of course impacted all law-abiding citizens, black and white.


I wholeheartedly agree.

By the way, I'm celebrating the passage of the credit card reform bill WITH the National Parks carry amendment still attached and headed to the President's desk.
the Mulford Act in California, signed by Governor Ronald Reagan in 1967, which forbade the carrying of guns in public.

One of the many things conveniently overlooked by those who speak as if Reagan should be the model for all conservatives.
There's a major disconnect between Black popular opinion regarding government and police and the right to self-defense.

Black people in places like Chicago rightfully complain about corrupt and violent police and corrupt city government, but at the same time countenance a monopoly on the means of armed force by those same corrupt, violent police. It's pure "party line". Local Black political leaders have a laundry list of positions. All too many people accept them without question. I blame the pathetic public schools, but that's another discussion.

At the same time ILLEGAL ownership of firearms is rampant, even among otherwise non-criminal citizens. People cheerfully violate the laws which they claim to support, then complain when those laws are used against them. Don't ask me to explain it. I just observe it.

Certainly, there is racism among White gun owners, but I see every bit as much racism on the part of White anti-gunners. In fact, I see it expressed far more openly. They often claim that being "liberals", they CAN'T be racists, no matter how many racial slurs they hurl and how much condescension they show to Black people. The paternalism and disdain which White anti-gunners show toward Black people is straight out of a '30s "Tarzan" movie.

It's a matter of unrelenting education and showing people that they're being lied to. At Christmas dinner, my relatives were genuinely astonished to hear that police have NO legal duty to protect individuals and no legal liability when they fail to. And some of these people were well acquainted with the murder of my godsister who was stabbed to death by her boyfriend. Neither the Chicago PD nor the most repressive gun controls in the nation "protected" her in any way. They were dumbfounded to hear that thousands of Ohioans have Concealed Handgun Licenses and that there AREN'T gunfights on every street corner. I told them that we don't have the home invasions that they do. They're too dangerous for the criminal. Unlike Chicago, most Ohio Black communities don't look like human zoos, with high iron fences and bars on all the doors and windows.
It makes the argument that historically, much of the gun-control effort in America has been aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of blacks.
...and Italians, and Jews, and American Indians, etc., etc., etc.

Gun control is never about guns, always about control, and usually control of disfavored minorities.
Deanimator, yes, spot on. I have been a member of JPFO for years, and it is surprising that so many Jews are anti gun, considering the horrible atrocities of WW2. That said, the effects of persecution often result in minority/disfavored groups creating and supporting their own cultures and communities. In that respect, a change in attitude needs to come from within.
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kyo said:
NRA is republican, but its not cause Democrats are in the NRA. NRA is racist, but its not cause black, white, jew, asian, hispanic, and whatever else are part of the NRA.

What the heck? Here's a person who has no idea of the history of the NRA and the civil rights movement... :rolleyes:
Civil rights organization fights elitists and racists
By John Bender
web posted July 21, 2008


San Francisco doesn’t bar everyone from keeping a gun at home. They only bar the poorest of the poor, those living in the projects the city calls public housing from exercising their Constitutional rights. The people they bar from keeping these self defense tools in their homes are not only economically disadvantaged, they are disproportionately minorities. The San Francisco law is not just a violation of these people’s Second Amendment rights. It also violates several federal civil rights laws because of its disproportional impact on minorities.

This is BS. I'll show you thousands of white development/apartment complexs that disallow guns.

The area of Florida that I live in the majority of blacks do have guns and use them nightly at the corner gas stations, grocery stores, drive by shootings and car jackings not to mention the home invasions.
I think its time the Black Police Chiefs, Black Mayors, Black Ms America, Black Teachers Unions recruit more whites into their organizations. If we are going to welcome them they must also open up their doors to us. It can not be oneway. I hope I have not offended anyone but whites are not allowed to have anything for just white people.
The area of Florida that I live in the majority of blacks do have guns and use them nightly at the corner gas stations, grocery stores, drive by shootings and car jackings not to mention the home invasions.
Is that a fact?

So, how MANY Black people are in your area of Florida?

Can you cite ANY evidence that 51% of them criminally misuse firearms?

I'm not sure which you should join first, VPC or the National Alliance.
17% of the 1,351,236 people in county are African-American and the town with the highest crime rates is Riviera Beach that has a population of 29,500 and African Americans committ 85-90% of the all crime in the town. Check it boy, its all on the web. Its about as bad here with the hoods as it was in Lima, Ohio in the 50's.
17% of the 1,351,236 people in county are African-American and the town with the highest crime rates is Riviera Beach that has a population of 29,500 and African Americans committ 85-90% of the all crime in the town. Check it boy, its all on the web. Its about as bad here with the hoods as it was in Lima, Ohio in the 50's.
You obviously left out the part where you show that 51% of Black people in your area of Florida commit criminal acts with firearms. Purely an oversight, I'm sure.

Still waiting.

As I said, I"m not sure which you should join first, VPC or the National Alliance. You display the profound disdain for facts required for membership in either.
So this thread is now degenerating into a race-bashing diatribe instead of what the OP requested - how do we involve more blacks with the NRA?

How about we get back on track, or at least try to address the question of how to get more blacks involved with the RKBA, shooting and 2nd amendment issues.
So this thread is now degenerating into a race-bashing diatribe instead of what the OP requested - how do we involve more blacks with the NRA?

How about we get back on track, or at least try to address the question of how to get more blacks involved with the RKBA, shooting and 2nd amendment issues.
As the OP, I think the way this board has veered just highlights the many complexities of black gun ownership, and for that matter, racial matters at large. None of us dispute this. There will always be opinions on both extremes of any bell curve.
But like 2000Yards said, let's get back to my first point. If you are selling anything, it makes sense to first approach your most logical natural market. That's what the NRA has been doing. But if you want to REALLY expand your operation, after the initial plateau, then you have to look to additional markets. Complimentary, non-competing, and not in lieu of the primary market. I just can't help but wonder how a well placed ad in Ebony, or a TV spot on BET featuring both Steele and LaPierre together would be received. Sure there would be the raspberries, but it may be a case of any publicity is good publicity. Your thoughts?
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