We need to have national registration

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Jun 29, 2004
Northern Illinois
I think we truly need to create a national registry of gun haters. People who speak out against the 2nd Amendment, propose gun grabbing schemes, prosecute honest citizens who broke some obscure gun law, etc. The registry would allow all of those who truly hate guns and gun ownership to know each other, communicate with each other, etc. And by the way, it would let the rest of us know exactly who they are, and where they live. Just so we could engage them in a good discussion about the Constitution, of course.
So it's not okay for a New York newspaper to publish the location of every registered gun owner in several counties? But it's okay to publish the location of every anti-gun person on a national database? Lets do a database on religious viewpoints, abortion, healthcare, economics, and political preference too!

Not sure if serious...
Vito, I would guess by your join date that your post is tongue-in-cheek. The hypocrisy of public safety supposedly trumping privacy is thick. While it might be considered mean spirited, I can't say I feel sorry for the NY publishers and editors having their home addresses publicized after the article they ran on permit holders.
Indeed, they lack respect for the liberty of the individual that is at the heart of the American constitution and constantly endeavor to render the people disarmed and defenseless.

That is precisely why we must be utterly determined and ruthless in our efforts to eradicate these pernicious gun control and confiscation interest groups, as well as their lackeys in the media.
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