Weapons & planes don't mix, so what could you use to take back a Hijacked flight?

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old Steel CIA letter opener side it into your neck tie since it is metal free it is on problem unless every one is getting padded down.

Uh... this is a horrible, horrible idea. Not from the perspective of concealibility, but if they do happen to grab your tie (and they might) you are going to be in a whole heck of a lot of trouble. I think people on the web go way to far with the whole "plausible deniability" thing sometimes, but even I think that this is a good way to end up in the joint.
Bought a pair of Quicksilver boardshorts once and in the pocket was a hard plastic boardwax comb with 2.5 inches of extremely sharp teeth. The tanto shape allows perfect grip and a reference point for my index finger. Quick slashes to face and throat would disable anyone. Passes through security and would cut a seat belt easily to give me a longer range weapon with the hard buckle.

Think about carrying two HP pencils, one for each hand. As you ice-pick stab, snap off whatever is in the opponent and repeat till you have nothing left... just a thought.
almost too easy: a tightly-rolled magazine. very available on any flight and makes for a GREAT kubaton! will crush a throat-windpipe very easily. not my idea... fairbairn's.
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