Webley Mark VI cylinder indexing

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Jan 17, 2010
Mountains of NC
I have a Webley MarkVI which seems to be in general good shape, except cylinder indexing. The pawl moves it almost to the final tab lock up but not far enough. If it were to reach this tab it would be properly index with the barrel.

Any ideas on how to adjust or fix? thanks, Boat
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Unless you can braze some material to the top of the pawl, then hand grind it down slowly and carefully just till it indexes properly, you will have to get/ make yourself a new pawl. It can be done by a competent machinist, but unless you are one with the necessary equipment, then its not going to be cheap.
Thanks for reply, was your pawl obviously worn? I see no apparent wear and wonder if it is not an accumulation of many wear points. my pawl seems to be rounded at tip. Should it be square?
Pawls may also be deftly heated and 'stretched'...or, as was mentioned, have a tiny bit of appropriate Steel Tigged on to their business end, and, for that then to be correctly sculpted/shaped.

Though, of course, unless the Pawl were metalurgically defective initially, a Pawl which has worn enough to not bring the Cylinder into final Battery, will ( as others have mentioned, ) usually co-incide with significant wear throughout the Mechanism.

Look also to the fit of the Pawl on it's pivot or Pin to see if any wallowing there.
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