well i just amazed myself and friends

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Jul 11, 2005
In my Foxhole
went to a new range today (angeles in LA).

I fired about 100 rnds of MNagant, 100 308, 100 .223, 20 .44 mag.

Then we (2 friends and I) went to the pistol side where they have steel targets set up.

My buddy pulled out his .44 Mag lever action and I used his (my own is much smoother, but I didn't bring it) p228 in 9mm.

Before we knew it we were dueling on a dueling tree set out to SIXTY FIVE YARDS! Now folks the plates are 5". Yesterday if you asked me how I'd do on a 5" target at 65 yards using 115gr 9mm cheapie reloads, I would have said... something other that what i'd say today!

Not only was I hitting it at least four out of every ten shots, I was also able to flip it back over during times where I'd hit the plate at such an angle that only a small part was horizontally exposed.

My buddy was also not doing too badly with his lever gun, but it was the p228 that really surprised me. I've always liked this gun, but now I want another.
Nice! I envy people that make it to the range when I don't ;) Sounds like you were really in the zone too :)
Pistols kind of surprise ya if you never shoot at any distance with them. Had a buddy who was a huge Elmer Keith fan, therefore, thought you should shoot pistols at great distances. At the rifle range one day, he convinced me to try a few shots with my 38 snubbie and my 45 ACP at a coke can at 100 yards. I was moving the can around pretty good, surprisingingly enough, but was figuring it was mostly dirt spray from proximity hits more than anything else. Was surprised to find the can full of holes at closer examination. Kind of gives you a new idea of what range a pistol is effective on man sized targets. Cool.
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