Wesley Clark: I don't get it

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He's on the cover of The Advocate.
Russert showed that, and believe me I'm not interested in steering this thread into a pro vs. anti homosexual discussion, but isn't that just a little peculiar? I mean, there are plenty of Demo's that are stridently in favor of the legalization of gay marriage, gays in the military, etc., but how many of them have appeared on the cover of The Advocate? Why Clark? Did he take some position on the issues of gays in the military that would make them believe he's a guy they can count on?

I'm not trying to stir the pot here with any veiled suggestions, I'm just curious. Or is it that their thinking is that anyone willing to gladly accept an endorsement from a Hollywood entertainer like Madonna should be someone the gay community can count on? geegee
For someone who graduated first in his class from West Point, a Rhodes Scholar, Nato Supreme Commander, etc..He doesn't come across as someone who is particularly bright. I'm sure he is a smart guy, but for some reason or another, I just don't see the deep intellect you'd expect from someone w/ his credentials.

If he were to run as a Republican, he'd be branded an idiot; just as Bush was/is.
Russert was on Imus this a.m. They basically killed Clark over his affiliation with the Mooreon. His refusal to repudiate the "deserter" nonsense from Moore shows a total lack of class from someone who should know better.

What`s with this "I`m a veteran" B.S. anyway? Bush the Elder was a war hero. The Dems said it didn`t matter. Bob Dole was a war hero. The Dems said it didn`t matter. Clinton dodged the draft and protested the war along with condemning those of us who fought. The Dems said it didn`t matter Now all of a sudden it matters?:scrutiny:

The Libs would be in hysterics if a Conservative war hero was running. After all, the military should be under civilian control.:rolleyes:
Don't discount Clark. I found this picture of him kissing up to the NRA:
What`s with this "I`m a veteran" B.S. anyway? Bush the Elder was a war hero. The Dems said it didn`t matter. Bob Dole was a war hero. The Dems said it didn`t matter. Clinton dodged the draft and protested the war along with condemning those of us who fought. The Dems said it didn`t matter Now all of a sudden it matters?
Exactly. And to watch these AMVET or VFW campaign stops, one would think the only segment of America that will vote will be the veterans. At some point, the voting record of Kerry (who at this point I have to believe will get the nomination) and the comments made by Clark will come under greater scrutiny. I can only hope someone will raise your points Dinosaur, but I won't hold my breath. geegee
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