What am I looking for

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Nov 13, 2008
My original plan ws a his hers set with a colt gold cup and a sig 238. But I'm starting to think that the 238 isn't the best choice. I'm having trouble finding one for under 500 and once I get in the over500 price range I'm wondring why. Not get two colts. I'm staring to think a9mm commander size would be a easier gun for her to shoot and she isn't carrying.

So what am I looking for? Colts website is useless and they introduce and discontinue models all the time. So blue 9mm in commander. I'm open to fixed or adj sights but do want new or rdcentally discontinued that I would have a reasonable chance of finding new
Come on! I'm not giving someone a MIMber
Ouch be nice? MIMber really? I have two Kimber's no issues with them at all. Am I lucky? Not at all. its the rate of failure of 5%, people get unlucky.

Have you had a Kimber fail on you? If so I can understand your hesitation.
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