What are your OTHER expensive hobbies besides guns?

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Nice pens Frandy! FPN member? (Just in case you had any spare moments in your day you needed to use up.

I used to be on fountain pen boards including Pentrace for many years and FPN. But, I no longer collect (still have 30-35 pens, some high end) and don't participate any longer. I lurk now and then, but stay away to avoid temptation. Hobby money is for photography and ammo now.

I agree with you about the Phileas. I am a technical editor and use two with extra fine nibs to do my everyday editing.

And yes, the fountain pen experience versus all other pens is like a precision firearm versus a (no name to avoid insulting others :evil:)


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Heck, since this thread seems to be entirely about pens now...
Here's a few websites that have seen a lot of my money:

(I bought tools from them, to restore a few pens I picked up cheap at local auctions)

BTW: It looks like I'm not the only collector who doesn't have any Montblanc products... nor am I the only Visconti fan.

Double ditto on the Phileas with the Xtra fine nib. You'll never write so much info in so small of a space. I used to keep one at the office just to squeeze into the blanks of poorly designed government forms.

I suddenly feel the urge to buy something now... better put the computer away!
Books..... around 25k in my library. I have a leaf from a 1610 King James 1st edition that was at that time $400+ IIRC.
Gem stones.... lets just say I wish I started collecting guns first.
Things made of silver as well as silver coin and bullion. I must be related to Judas.
Chess sets.... there is an ivory one that was appraised at $1800 I'm trying to hunt down.

I took a break from the women thing.... now that was real expensive and they weren't even of ill repute. :evil:

Heck, since this thread seems to be entirely about pens now...

This is for the 6 year old in me.... :D

Here is an expensive one horses. Two of them.

They cost as much or more per month as my house payment :what: Plus you need a large truck and horse trailer at a bare minimum. Then maybe a horse farm :banghead::banghead::banghead:
All kidding aside , I would say my collecting/restoring of vintage audio equipment costs more than my gun/shooting hobbies . I only deal in tube audio equipment (except for a few solid state high end pieces ) . I use an old H.H. Scott receiver and amp for my home sound and multiple Bogens for my bass cabinets (yup , bass guitar) .

Believe it or not , vintage NOS tubes can be quite expensive , especially when you have to go through handfuls to just match a set . Original parts are a whole nother story . $$$$
I'm poor because of my wife's horse habit. I swear, those animals have it better than I do.
Books..... around 25k in my library.


I don't know what MY little library is worth , but I'm sure it's not that much . The only collectible books , excluding some popular first editions , is the childrens books I have gotten for my daughter . Piles of first edition Golden Books (even the rare Little Sambo) . Plus other now defunct companies etc .
How is this thread related to firearms???

Its not. However, of all the off topic threads that get shut off, this is the most interesting thread there's been in awhile. Hell, its more interesting than half the "on topic" stuff.

Mountain biking. The costs now are trips to the clinic after I wreck...
I wouldn't know anything about that......
Hey now, when wrecking on 2 wheels collar bones are really just crumple zones, at least that is what they tell me.....

Other than shooting and gun collecting.....
Photography, restoring my '66 Mustang GT Fastback
On a 8 year standby though :^(
Model building
The models get expensive when your buying $100+ kits and aftermarket acessories for them. And they're like Lay's potato chips. Nobody can have just one. I have a "stash" of over 100 kits waiting to be build next.
Oh, and my little Samurai, but lately it has become my 17 year olds car, but my money pit.
Books..... around 25k in my library.
You're catching up to me. :) I've twenty bookcases at home and one at work. Might be picking up one more this weekend.
Great photos....I love that Mustang!

Most expensive- twin sons. Costs are mindboggling...

Next- guns, ammo, range costs, firearms training classes

Next- guitars and bass guitars, lessons, classes, etc.

Next-flyfishing, not so much the gear but the cost of trips

Next-we both have a book addiction, can get $$$


Next- r/c helicopters

Next- food....

Yes, I do have a bunch of nice fountain pens, but my dad collected most of them and he gave them to me many years ago.

Also antique cameras, and rock crystals/geodes/minerals

Whew. Time to go back to work to pay for all this.....
My hobbies have come and gone over the years, some make reappearances. Guns and shooting are making their third appearance over my lifetime but this time there is a strong collecting impulse. I can only afford one spendy hobby at a time but in past years it has been tropical fish (dropped this one after a few years), high end stereo gear and record collecting (2nd appearance, on hold) woodworking (2nd appearance, on hold), model building (2nd, dropped), astronomy (could be in the on deck circle). Tennis was big for me 10 to 12 years ago.

My wife says I have many interests but my hobby is acquisition

But since she has taken up photography as a profession and hobby she is as fervent about acquisition as I am.
Oh great!:cuss: Now I've got to get another expensive hobby?!?!?:banghead:
I really can't afford to have the firearms hobby that I have now!!
If I ever can get more cash flow, I'd try to pour it into a 4x4, but that ain't happening until the cash flows.
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