What BP for use in flintlock and ball and cap pistols?

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When I got my first muzzle loading rifle I wanted it to be as different an experience as possible from any modern firearm. So the choice of going flint over cap was a simple one for me.

Yes, it was a little more work and learning to make the flint work well. And I've still got a lot to learn. But isn't the challenge part of the fun? And there's just nothing like the big POOF from the pan of a flintlock to make you realize that this isn't your basic modern style gun! ! !

So if you're keen to get the full experience of shooting an antiquated style gun I say don't shy away from a flintlock if that's what you want to get.

I've since added a percussion pistol and a percussion underhammer rifle to the growing collection. I did that more for being able to shoot in our frequent wet days than anything else. The underhammer rifle is really sweet just because it's an underhammer. But if I have my druthers, and our weather plays along, I take out the flintlocks because they are just more fun for my tastes.
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