What cartridge for witches?

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It seems to me that when I try birdshot, even #5, at the range it cuts the target into shreds pretty fast. Aside from exploding munitions or full-auto, that'd probably incapacitate things that don't die. I'm still new with my shotgun though, so maybe a #3 buckshot would be better, I haven't gotten many rounds of buck through it (++$$$).

In Canada if you had a rifle, you'd be SOL because it's most likely limited to 5-round magazine. If you're really good you could just shoot out each eye, and the boogey man wouldn't be able to find you:) (then again, birdshot'd do that pretty well too)
First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thou foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.
That would work for me if I saw a witch, otherwise maybe a nice Scotch on the rocks with her, and a fly along on her broomstick.
In all honesty, what would you guys do if there really was some supernatural (or even natural but just so far undocumented) creature that you had to deal with?

We're talking anything from the theoretically possible (Aliens) to pure sci-fi (zombies).
I know it's a dumb question.... but given the topic, I had to ask.

You mean the previous 28,978 "What would you do if zombies/aliens attack?" threads on this and all the other boards haven't covered it?
actually, to be honest I usually ignore them and never bother reading.

So, maybe yes maybe no... I wouldn't know.
I'm so glad I found you folks! I love my other gun forum, but they won't let us talk about witches and werewolves... and Monte Python.

MY man, you've GOT to get on some more forums! I suggest you start googling "gun forums" and get on a bunch of them. It's better than any other form of entertainment out there, besides bachelor parties. Wolfsong.
There it is, the AK-47. When you absolutely, positively, have to kill every single ****** in the room; accept no substitute. ~ Ordell Robbie—Jackie Brown

I liked the video. I think I'd capture the witch with nets and small rockets like they do monkeys. Her eyes would probably cut the nets though, so I'd be hosed. How about a big snare? Where is spider man or superman when you need him?

Well the witch is flying so a 12g with bird shot?:rolleyes:
In Canada if you had a rifle, you'd be SOL because it's most likely limited to 5-round magazine. If you're really good you could just shoot out each eye, and the boogey man wouldn't be able to find you (then again, birdshot'd do that pretty well too)

I think laws would take a backseat in this situation. Besides, doesnt nobody in Canada care about the firearms laws anyway?
So what do you guys think that first video was of'? You think it was real? Or a hoax? Or that RC plane thing?
I wouldn't bother with a supersoaker... I'd go straight to lethal and use a fire engine. The problem there is getting the witch within range.

Yeah, Hillary came to mind first.:D Ya'll may recall that photo that makes the rounds at Halloween... they showed a broom stuck in the ground and said that was where Hillary's plane crashed.
I’m going .50 BMG. If that can take down an airliner going hundreds of MPH at a 3 miles, then it should be able to send Broomhilda arse over tea kettle in short order.

BTW: I don’t know what it was that cop saw, but he did look like he needed to change his Huggies in a bad way.
Quick, I hear the mods coming . . .

So, what kind of gear does a guy wear when he's experimenting with different kinds of parachute and gliding gear?

Somebody's having a tremendous laugh over this.

However, I'm glad I'm not superstitious.

It's bad luck to be superstitious.
In all honesty, what would you guys do if there really was some supernatural creature you had to deal with

Keep the camera running, double check my CCW.

You guys are thinking about this all wrong, there's only one. You have to wait for them to breed and multiply. Once they are sustainable, then we hunt.:cool:
You have to burn witches! Clearly this situation calls for ball tracer or some other type of incendiary ammunition.

I prefer 10mm, 7.2gr of W231, and a 180gr XTP.

Not all "witches" are women or fluffy-headed granola-munching peaceniks.

Some of us are large, burly men who will shoot back. :evil:

No, I will NOT turn you into a newt and I weigh a LOT more than a duck. :D
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