What color game light for coons?

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By your logic, I guess having a chicken pen is "baiting" because the coons don't know the chickens aren't being raised for their consumption? Gimme a break.
Snyper wrote:

Again, they are only "a pest" because you lure them in, which may not meet the intentions of the regulations.

What you consider "eliminating a pest" could just as easily be called "illegal hunting"

Actually we who have the problem are dealing with it in a perfectly 'legal' way.


“DEPREDATION — Loss of, or damage to, agricultural crops, livestock, poultry, wildlife or personal property.”

My recommendation...is that you concentrate on the Laws of YOUR State and let those of us in Texas abide by OURS. Fair enough? ;)

Alternately, If you'd like to share your address with us, I am sure we can arrange to send the raccoons to you.
Sorry, I got busy with college visits and work and haven't had time till just now to post. I did check with a game warden. He indicated that in Kansas I should wait until the specified season. He did eagerly volunteer to help me at that time. Not sure if I could get a depredation permit if I pushed it. My feeder is out for the deer, turkey, squirrel and rabbits but the raccoons, a possum, and lots of birds hit it. The raccoons have damaged it and the game camera close by. They get particularly destructive on the occasion that the feeder goes empty. I understand the argument that I'm baiting them but I don't buy it. From my view, they are competing quite successfully with, arguably out-competing, the deer, turkey, squirrels and rabbits. I've gone from 2 or 3 to between 15 and 20. Everybody is getting plenty to eat but the raccoons have turned into self propelled bowling balls. If Texas allows them to be shot as a nuisance that is just one more reason why I like Texas. As soon as season gets here, I'm going to start in on them. I bet I cut the corn consumption in half.
My niece and her husband live on their 500+ acre cattle ranch with the usual outbuildings, barns and such that attract lots of mice and rats. They have lots of farm cats that keep the mouse population in check. They supplement the cats' nutrition with dry cat food, Of course, the food draws numerous critters to their back porch. When a coon starts tearing into the sealed plastic container on their patio, he's over stepped his welcome and he is shot. They don't wait to see if the season is open. Typically, they live harmoniously with all the critters, but back porch coons and occasional possums have got to go.
“DEPREDATION — Loss of, or damage to, agricultural crops, livestock, poultry, wildlife or personal property.”

My recommendation...is that you concentrate on the Laws of YOUR State and let those of us in Texas abide by OURS. Fair enough?
Feed you scatter purposely for animals to eat isn't really "personal property".
You're interpretation of the term may not apply to "baiting"

Not everyone reading these posts lives in TX, and shouldn't assume anything.

By your logic, I guess having a chicken pen is "baiting" because the coons don't know the chickens aren't being raised for their consumption? Gimme a break.
That's simply absurd, but you already know that.
Let's be realistic.
That's simply absurd, but you already know that.
Let's be realistic.
It was supposed to be absurd. As absurd as some of the things you've posted in this thread.

To make a point.
My oldest son spent his entire life trapping and Racoons were high on
the list. When he was in High School he bought a very nice first car with pelts
from Racoons. As far as eating the meat, you have to find someone that really
knows how to cook them. I have gone to a lot of game dinners (free because my
son donated the raccoons) I have tasted Racoon when it was damn good and I
have eaten it when it really wasn't that good. Zeke
Snyper Wrote:

Feed you scatter purposely for animals to eat isn't really "personal property".
You're interpretation of the term may not apply to "baiting"

Not everyone reading these posts lives in TX, and shouldn't assume anything.

Well....it seems you want to work this to death?

The OP's FEEDER is personal property, more often than not...the raccoons end tear the feeder up as well, but even if not, they can be dispatched (under Texas game laws) for simply being a nuisance.

I can assure you, what the OP is doing is NOT considered 'baiting' in Texas, but you are free to argue and labor the point if you wish.

Lastly, the OP's location is in TEXAS. Since he made no reference to having the raccoon issue elsewhere it is logical to assume he is/was talking about in the State of Texas.

If YOUR replies were meant to be applied Nationally....then you should 'qualify' your statements to reflect that. Simple, yes?
Some may belabor the fine points of this discussion concerning baiting and depredation, etc... but the bottom line is, in Texas we deal with problem coons as necessary. Coons can be very destructive and putting ridiculous laws into the situation just complicates the whole situation....doesn't help it.
I often have corn in the back of my truck in buckets or bags. Occasionally the coons will find it and tear open the bags and really leave a mess, which has resulted in me shooting coons off of the truck or from a tree nearby they run up when they see me coming.
Texas deals with problems like this in a natural manner without having to have a game warden come to trap and relocate the pests. Unfortunately some states just seem to want to control all aspects of your life with overbearing lawmakers....I for one am happy with "most" of our game laws in this state.....as they just make plain sense.
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