What do I need?

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Dec 24, 2002
SkunkabiRRy has convinced me to try my hand at plate shooting & IPSC. Okay, I've gotta give it a shot..what do I need?
My IDPA gun is my USP 9 & 5 mags and ammo...will this do? Should I add to the ensamble?

Make sure it's all hanging from a good belt, go slow-n-safe, and have fun!
(Oh exquisite torture...)


Since you stated that you compete in IDPA you can use the same equipment you’re using now for production division. The only thing that I would add is an additional magazine pouch if you don’t already have one since USPSA/IPSC doesn’t have the maximum of two magazines on the belt rule that IDPA has.

One other thing you can leave you’re cover at home (Vest, Jacket, Hawaiian Shirt) since it’s not a requirement for USPSA/IPSC competition.

BTW have you ever competed at Norco with Skunkability?
1. Gun
2. 5 mags. 4 is the bare minimum but the more the merrier, so you don't have to do tactical reloads in a long stage. I think IPSC has a 32 round cap, but steel matches take more rounds depending on how often you miss.
4. Holster. You will want a good belt in the future if you don't already have one.
5. Magpouches. Your pockets will do in a pinch but it sucks.
6. 300 rounds of ammo. Generally need 150. My rule is take twice as many as you will need.
8. Eyes and ears. Electronic ones are nice to have because you can hear the RO and other guys around you.
9.$30. Most matches run $25 but sometimes the qualifier will kick it up to $28.

Nice to have:
1. Cleaning equipment, but just bring a bottle of breakfree and your HK will be OK. I never bring any cleaning/maint stuff with me unless I am shooting 1911 :D
2. Hat keeps brass out of your shirt and sun out of your eyes
4. Back up gun. You never know.
5. Tagalog ;)

I bring my gun, holster, 5 mags, 4 magpouches, a first aid kit and lots of water, my ears, and $30. That's it.
whoa 25 bucks a match that 10 bucks more than any of the local mathces in Florida in with a Classifier.

Weshoot2 is right go slow walk dont run.
Listen to the stage description.
and of course Gun, ammo, holster, belt, mags, mag holders.
Remember if you shoot in IPSC production you must start in DA mode.
There's a guy by the name of Jun who sells water and Filipino style noodle soup and a marinated pork satay among other things. So you should feel right at home.
There's a guy by the name of Jun who sells water and Filipino style noodle soup and a marinated pork satay among other things. So you should feel right at home.

After the match, Ryucasta and I stick around to shoot cans...if you want to know more, PM him ;)
If you're from Long Beach, head east till you get on the 91, not sure if the 22 will be better.

Get on the 71, and get off on Euclid which is the first exit. THere's two ranges there, one, Prado which is right near the exit, and Raahauges which you'll loop around and drive for a bunch of miles just to circle back. It smells like cow poop but is a fun place to shoot. Both are off the same exit.
I will be coming from the Inland Empire. Hemet/San Jacinto (you know, the place on the other side of the Mountains from Palm Springs that my friends laughingly call "Arizona") is an area that you literally "can't get there from here."

IDPA this Saturday? Steel Matches are when?

No, I mean REAL cold.

Sunday (www.gmps.ws) it's gonna be somewhere between minus to single digit; hope-hope-hoping for single-digits, please.

But either way it's gonna be stupid-cold, and I'm wondering how many guns (and shooters) will succumb.

Could be -25-- -35 below tonight..........

IPSC, you know.
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