What do you guys think?

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Nov 4, 2008
Central Indy
Dear Mr. President Elect,
Congratulations on your recent win! I trust that your future as President will be bright and successful. I would appreciate hearing from you on your plans on Gun Control. I understand that there are some things you may not wish to discuss with me, but my 2nd Amendment rights are very important to me, as well as countless other Americans. Since the birth of the Constitution the right of an American Citizen to bear arms has not been compromised. I ask that you consider who a strict policy of control affects; namely the law-abiding citizen. Generally speaking bans or regulations on Gun Control have little or no impact on guns in the black market. If you have any wish to discuss these issues with me, I will be glad to do so. Thank you for your time.
God bless,
name here
Since the birth of the Constitution the right of an American Citizen to bear arms has not been compromised

Where have you been living the last 30 years?

If you want an auto, need to jump through some federal hoops and your local government might say no anyway. Want a rifle with a short barrel, or a shotgun with a short barrel, think more hoops.

Want to carry concealed, most states require you to jump through some hoops, some deny it outright, and others you need to be rich and famous.

Remember the AWB, GCA, etc. Our rights have been compromised plenty.
there have been bans on certain types, but has there been an outright ban all guns for law abiding citizens?
and to answer your question, for 11 of those 30 years i had yet to be conceived...
Since the birth of the Constitution the right of an American Citizen to bear arms has not been compromised.

I'd edit out this since it is incorrect and change "little or no impact on guns in the black market" to "little or no impact on criminals".
there have been bans on certain types, but has there been an outright ban all guns for law abiding citizens?
and to answer your question, for 11 of those 30 years i had yet to be conceived...

to repeat an old line "What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED didnt you understand"
they can "ban certain types" until we have nothing. give an inch, they take a mile.

RTKBA isnt about sport, hunting, or personal protection. its about our right to present an armed resistance to the .gov.the reason the British marched to concord? to seize the peoples arms stock piles.

back then military arms and civilian arms were rather similar, today they ( the grabbers) try to argue that we have no need for machine guns or even semi auto "assault weapons". we do, and its the same reason the colonist needed the muzzle loader. armed opposition to a tyrannical gov.

to disregard any of the historical infringements only empowers them to do worse.
always remember '34.
Dear Mr. President Elect,
Congratulations on your recent win! I trust that your future as President will be bright and successful. I would appreciate hearing from you on your plans on Gun Control. I understand that there are some things you may not wish to discuss with me, but my 2nd Amendment rights are very important to me, as well as countless other Americans. I ask that you consider who a strict policy of control affects; namely the law-abiding citizen. Generally speaking bans or regulations on guns have little or no impact on criminals. If you have any wish to discuss these issues with me, I will be glad to do so. Thank you for your time.
God bless,
Would you be worried about losing your guns if McCain was elected???? Thank all those who voted for Obama for your fears, of which have just started. You can make them go away in January of 2013. Work to keep your rights.

I appreciate your sincere concern and anxiety but there's more going on presently than this issue. If gun control becomes an hot issue it'll mean that all the other crucial, life and death issues are resolved. That would be, in a weird way, good news. But the existing state of affairs sadly will be with us for many, many years regardless as to who's drivin' the bus.
I plan on enjoying my firearms but will always be concerned for our rights...........gun and otherwise.

It would be heartening to think he would read such a letter. Here is a link (http://www.obamaonsecond.com/)to similar type of letter. It very well written and thought out, but somewhat long. It starts:

Your campaign pledges intrigue me. You promise to work with political rivals, push hope instead of fear
and unite us. You promise to obey the Constitution.
I want to believe you, especially about the Constitution. America needs a president who won‟t spy on us
without warrant, torture suspects, or herd dissenters into “free speech zones.” We need a leader who
doesn‟t claim the power to imprison indefinitely without court, judge or jury. We need constitutional
But as refreshing as a law-abiding chief executive sounds, I have reservations. You see, I treasure the
popular Amendments no more than the outcast. You are less evenhanded.
My first clue was a passage in The Audacity of Hope. “More than two hundred years” after its ratification,
you write, “we continue to argue about… whether the Second Amendment prohibits all gun
Only in the sense that we still debate the earth‟s shape. Sure, someone somewhere supports Charles
Manson‟s right to a machine gun, toddlers‟ rights to derringers, and New Yorkers‟ right to hunt squirrels in
Central Park. But that hardly seems relevant to America‟s debate.
Your words saddened me, implying that you respect neither the Second Amendment nor the intelligence of
those who do. Sure enough, on page 215 the other shoe dropped—you “believe in keeping guns out of our
inner cities, and that our leaders must say so in the face of the gun manufacturers‟ lobby.”2
You believe in total gun bans, but cities can only ban guns if there is no right to keep and bear them. I see
profound problems with your position—legal, practical, moral and political problems—and Americans
consistently reject it.
My purpose is not so much to convey facts as to show how they fit in a different framework. I hope to
impress upon you the strength and validity of our beliefs. I hope you will reconsider.
Legal Issues
I appreciate your sincere concern and anxiety but there's more going on presently than this issue. If gun control becomes an hot issue it'll mean that all the other crucial, life and death issues are resolved.

I hope you are correct. However, if BHO is to be believed, and supports the Democratic platform, an AWB is a priority for the adminstration. I wasn't able to find the You Tube video, but I believe BHO said something to the effect that an AWB would be high on his to do list during the Democratic debates.
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