What do you take to the sandbox?

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Jan 15, 2009
Japan planning the move back to Canada
I was reading a post about a guy who enlisted and was wondering about what to buy with his enlistment bonus. I've also read about enlisted men/women buying extras before they go to Iraq and being sent stuff after they get there. So I was wondering, what extras do you want to bring with you or have sent that makes life easier, better, more comfortable, or, much more importantly, safer? (emphasis is safer of course) I'm thinking weapons, but I know that sometimes it's little non obvious things that help the most.
it is sad when our armed forces feel they need to bring their own guns to the battle field because they aren't sufficiently equipped....."there will never be another Vietnam" nope, those soldiers had guns....
I don't know much about the rules in the service, but I do know that you can't bring your own guns. I would think the best stuff to bring is forms of entertainment. Magazines, books, a camera? A laptop maybe?
Several knives, one for the pocket, one for the outer tactical vest and your bayonet for the end of your M-4. The pocket knife will get the most use, opening mail or MRE's.
Nobody needs more guns I am pretty sure of that.
But like all things, it depends. Unless they are Army, USMC, or certain jobs in the Navy (corpsman) or Air Force (tacairparty) they likely won't ever go on patrol. Many soldiers don't ever go on patrol either. If they are on base somewhere all of the time than they won't need much. The standard of living is relatively high by military standards. The amount of tactical gear issued is ridiculous and much of it never gets used.

If they patrol a lot or conduct missions off base a lot than the certain things are helpful.

- The Army and USMC in many cases still issue thigh holsters which are not so good. A Blackhawk retention holster that you can move from your armor (mid chest) to your waist (for use on base) is vastly superior. Makes carry and presentation better in many ways. As a bonus these can be used for conceal carry at home.

- Balliasitic sun glasses. These are always getting broken and lost. The supply system can't keep up. These are essential for safety.

If living remotely.... You are either a "have" or a "have not" in Iraq. My plan, which worked passably was prestaged boxes of durable food, toiletries, underwear and other essentials at the house that the wife mailed to me by request or at certain times. This worked only passably because the mail was quite unreliable. Still a box of fresh underwear, socks and t-shirts when you have not had clean laundry in a month is quite nice.
lots of Beer

Seriously though, blades are good. One of those RMJ fighting hawks would be good for general purpose city fighting. Your not going to use it on enemies, mainly vehicles. I found it to be one of my most important tools. I left it in Afghanistan with a Combat Controller I didnt think I was going to need it again, and I bet he is using all the time.
it is sad when our armed forces feel they need to bring their own guns to the battle field because they aren't sufficiently equipped....."there will never be another Vietnam" nope, those soldiers had guns....

Sorry, I just don't buy this statement. How could you know "our armed forces" want to bring their own guns? :confused:

The 3 young men I am acquainted with through family friends all wanted socks, easy to eat foods, 2 wanted Marlboro lights.
As an enlisted aircrew member, my wants or needs were different than those of someone who patrolled. I carried my favorite folding knife for cutting nylon rope, cargo straps, etc. Also, a good flashlight and a leatherman. Other than that, a few various little things to make my life more comfortable.

When I was a Marine in Somalia, I carried a good, large field knife, and a gerber tool. Threw that piece of #%@! as far as I could after it cut me to the bone when the blade folded in.

Depends on your job what you might want, and what your unit will allow. Carry an M4 with stock handguards? Ask if you can take your own rail forend, Surefire weapon light, etc.
The 3 young men I am acquainted with through family friends all wanted socks, easy to eat foods, 2 wanted Marlboro lights.

My buddy is the same way, I just sent him a package containing:

magazines (reading kind)
Surefire batteries
Most units issue Surefire lights, PEQ-2 lasers and scopes already. Most of the time you don't need the PEQ2 or light. I only mounted the light on night raids and building clearings, otherwise it was just something else to carry. The laser had to stay on to keep it calibrated but I can count the number of times I actually needed it on two fingers.

Chances are if they were not issued a surefire it is because they probably won't need it.
May I humbly recommend you spend just what items others have you need and put the rest of the bonus money away for later in life? That could be a down payment on a home somewhere right there ready to go when you get out of the Service.
May I humbly recommend you spend just what items others have you need and put the rest of the bonus money away for later in life? That could be a down payment on a home somewhere right there ready to go when you get out of the Service.

Normally that would be great advice. However the fed is printing money like there are too many trees and we have to get rid of them in some way.
If you've not gone and done a tour in Iraq/Afghanistan it might be best to refrain from commenting.
My brother is in Iraq for the 4th time now, he always wants us to send baby powder, baby wipes, chewing gum, and beef jerky, the chewing gum and beef jerky because he quit dipping snuff
And I suppose if you've never shot someone you ought refrain from comment in the "Strategies and Tactics" forum.

And I suppose if you've never shot someone you ought refrain from comment in the "Strategies and Tactics" forum.


What does one have to do with the other? I could ask for advice on what to take to the Outback or Antarctica but if you have never been there I will likely give your advice a lot of skepticism.
I see this as a money advice is where Im coming from.

I saw too many family members in the military fight money problems for the month or two when thier pay got delayed, held up, taken away as punishment etc.

There are Military Credit Unions that can protect the money with insurance.

I see too many people in the Military blowing thier wad and cannot reload really fast if you know what I mean once they finish up with it.

Having 20,000 dollars or whatever the hell it is sitting waiting for you ready to go at a moment's notice is a great thing. Most folks go from one paycheck to the next dreaming how they want to spend it all in the whorehouse.

No sir. Not in these bad times.

I also have another reason for participating in this thread. We think carepackages will be a great help in the future if we get one put together right.
when I was there baby wipes and anything that I could read was th ticket for me, but now a days they have their laptop computers with internet access(some not all) and showers, hell the airport has a Burger King and a Popeye's Chicken and a pretty well stocked PX now.

My buddy over there now has just been asking for beef jerky, dried fruit and other snacks mostly. I still figure reading material would be good as well these days though.
"I see too many people in the Military blowing thier wad and cannot reload really fast if you know what I mean once they finish up with it."

would 3 grand in 3 days with nothing to show for it besides a raging hangover and a few unknown girls in my bed be a good example? At least that wasn't all my combat pay, but it sure was a dent, a wonderful wonderful dent.
SpecialKalltheway: "would 3 grand in 3 days with nothing to show for it besides a raging hangover and a few unknown girls in my bed be a good example?"

Those "juicy girls" are still looking for their money, Red Cloud.
Whew. Ok ok ok... now that would be a bill to cover indeed. I wonder if the Platoon can cover it in exhange for the juicy stories. =)
Save the bonus money.
It all depends on your job, I am a combat engineer and was deployed with an air wing twice (USMC) and was issued way more "tacticle" crap than I needed for 99% of what I did. I carried a benchmade folder at all times and used it every day. on my vest was a gerber backup that opened a few MRE's and cut things I wouldn't normaly use a knife for. My bayonet stayed in my room most of the time unless I really had to cut some thing that shouldn't be cut with a knife. Socks are good, jerky is great. I was never "issued" a sure fire so I took my cheap G2 and it served my needs just fine. Our guys who were outside the wire all the time had all the toys you could ever want. Send some hunting or fishing mags cause I could neve find them over there and when I was done with one every one wanted it. Maxim and FHM are every where. Technicaly you can't send playboy but if you should you need to know who it is going to... not for the "any mairne" care package. Candy and gum are good and right not to much will melt but in a month or two pretty much everything will melt.
If you want to see an old pic of the base I was on go to google earth and seach Al Taquddam, its an old pic but you will get the jist of where its at.
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