What is going on here?

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Jul 6, 2006
Most of the threads and posts relating to the VT massacre have been right on target and of the type that I would expect from THR. I have also seen a number of posters who seem to invite some gun control in response to this situation rather than fight for our right to keep and bear arms. I can't tell whether they really support RKBA and are just giving in a little or if they are plants who are trying to discourage and influence us. Probably some of both, although I think that there are a lot of trolls who post at times like this in order to hurt our cause.

What is going on with this? As horrible as the VT situation was, it could have been a lot worse, both for them and us as firearms enthusiasts. If some of us are willing to give up this easily, what would happen if a much worse disaster occurred or if the gun laws that we fear would pass? We have to ignore the pressure and keep fighting, come what may, as most of you are.
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I haven't seen too many willing to give anything.

I, for one, will not give up anything to emotionally charged reactionaries.

We have more of an obligation to our country than this. Rare occurances such as this-- regardless of how tragic--- are NOT the basis for sweeping legislation.

Bad things happen in the world. If you ban everything that HAS caused injury to insure that the possiblity of it recurring is eliminated, we will not have the rights to do ANYTHING.

Most injuries occur in the home. Should be ban houses?

You are right, I should not have said a large number, but it is suprising that anyone on a forum like this would be willing to give in at all.
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