Hold On Tight, 'Cause Here We Go!

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Mar 22, 2006
News Release (Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence)

A National Momentum Shift: Supporters Of Common-Sense Gun Laws Win Races From Coast To Coast

Washington, DC - In election races across the country yesterday, candidates who support strengthening America’s gun laws to fight gun violence defeated candidates backed by the gun lobby in U.S. Senate, U.S. House, gubernatorial and other statewide races and a number of high-profile state legislative races. The results should have a profound impact on the ability to fight illegal gun trafficking and gun violence in the coming years.

We're about to get hosed, and worse than the last time (Clinton AWB).

I am not comforted by the new "conventional" wisdom (e.g., "don't worry, the Dems aren't gonna do anything about guns", and so on). At this moment, Democrats are ingesting what they believe is an across-the-board embrace of left-of-center politics; they will govern based on what they perceive as a mandate to re-shape the status quo. By the time they figure out differently (i.e., 2008), the damage will have already been done. After all, who is going to stop them? The Republicans certainly won't: they didn't stand up to the Dems when they were the majority party! Bush? Can you see Bush voting for a renewed AWB in exchange for an immigration reform plan more to his liking? I sure can. Finally, I think folks are making way too much of the fact that some of the Dems who won are pro-2A. Unfortunately, many of these are first-timers in the Congress -- seniority is the key variable in determining membership in powerful committees and, therefore, in the amount of influence that individual congressmen can wield. In effect, the nexus of power in the new Congress will lie with Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton, etc., etc. -- it will be a simple matter for the veterans to sideline the FNGs.

This has been an unmitigated disaster.
It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to undo a gun law. Political scare tactics are too easy.

The '94 ban sunsetted, it was never repealed.

That's my concern with voting for the Democrats (literally or effectively) this time around. If you did, you voted for gun control.

Maybe you figured the alternative was worse. That's your prerogative. But you voted for gun control nevertheless.

I'm more of a tactical thinker than a big-picture moral ideologue. And that's what I see.
If the Dems start that again, they will guarantee another huge loss for themselves in 2008 in the Red States. Those folks do not tolerate gun control well.
True enough.

So our mission is to make sure that they don't actually PASS any such legislation.

If they try really hard and fail, they may get voted out.

If they succeed, they will be voted out, but the legislation will remain, just as it did in 1994.
When a piece of legislation with a sunset provision gets renewed by Congress it usually doesn't have a sunset provision the second time around. It becomes the permanent law of the land.

One of the reasons that the '94 AWB was allowed to expire with little fuss is because everyone knew it wasn't working. You can be sure that the next AWB will have much stronger restrictions and it will NOT have a sunset provision. Don't be suprised if they go for an outright ban on the private ownership of all semi-auto weapons.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Trumps any other firearm laws regardless of twisted interpretation.
If you cannot realize the validity and power of the second ammendment, you are part of the problem.

The scary thing is I'll be the one pegged as "out of touch".:scrutiny:
It appears to me that they are more just Running at the mouth with this, it looks more like ego stroking than anything.

But I could be wrong.
Don't be suprised if they go for an outright ban on the private ownership of all semi-auto weapons.

And don't be surprised when such an attempt would get laughed out of the Capitol building.

However, if such a thing were to occur, don't be surprised to see a LOT of dead Americans in the streets.
In the current climate, it would be very politically unsound for Democrats to pursue strong gun control measures...the question is whether they'll defer to pragmatism or ideology.
OK, here is the plan: Call,write, and email your newly minted Democrat Congressthing and DEMAND that they immediately begin investigation and impeachment proceedings against the Evil Republicans for Lying us into Iraq/page scandals/Hypocritical Gay Minister scandals/Border Security lapses/Collaborating with aliens. Keep demanding action on a weekly basis. This will hopefully keep the Democrats so happily busy savaging the Republicans that they might forget about trying to savage our rights. As a plus, it might purge the Republican party of the idiots and fascists that were simultaneously so lustful for power and so outrageously stupid that they actually thought outspending Democrats and passing insanely unconstitutional laws like the Partiot Act and the Military Commissions Act were good ideas.
I'm thinking that taking every possible chance to educate folks in the local media bout the facts of firearms and gun control would be as useful as anything. As it is now, in their ignorance they parrot the various idiocies of such as the Brady Bunch and the sycophants in Congress.

In general, those who are aware of the realities don't buy into party lines.

One plus, a lot of those Dems who won are moderates and even conservatives. Many are pro-gun. There are two possible pitfalls though- they may "go native" once they get to DC or the ultra-liberal Dem leadership will undoubtedly want to push gun control and the experienced liberal Dem leadership may succeed in bullying the new more conservative Dems from fighting gun control.

I think .41Dave has the best idea out there.
Here's another scenario for you to chew on. The Dems keep the troops tied up in Iraq, they even send more overseas. This leaves us with minimal military force in country. They then ram through the dream bill that lets them basically confiscate whatever firearms they want.

Possible outcome 1: They succeed. Most of the people on these blogs
that quote the "from my cold dead hands" line wimp out and hand over the
goods to the Feds and join the sheeple in line like a good subject.

Possible outcome 2: They attempt to confiscate but patriot citizens resist with deadly force. So the Feds declare martial law to put down the rebellion.
They attempt to federalize state guards but fail. So we see the blue beanies come to town to enforce our laws at the invitation of DC.

Unlikely? Maybe, maybe not. The Dems will figure that military personnel in
our own armed forces may not follow orders and do violence against fellow Americans. Solution, keep them overseas and hire the job done by the UN.
They then ram through the dream bill that lets them basically confiscate whatever firearms they want.

It wouldn't be quite that easy. The 2A is still in place. Any law authorizing gun confiscation would be met with court challenges in every federal district court in the country. Different district courts would issue conflicting rulings. Then different circuit courts would issue conflicting rulings. Eventually the entire mess would land in the lap of SCOTUS. The whole thing would be tied up in court for years. Hopefully, before SCOTUS even issued a final ruling, outraged gunowners would have voted in a new majority of RKBA defenders who would repeal the law before the first gun could be collected.



No Bans Just Taxes

The Dems aren't stupid. Bans are tough to disguise. But "reasonable" taxes and permits is just "good common sense" legislation. Everyone voting Democratic who complains about ammo prices just wait till you see a nice ammo tax or armory license. Sure pal you can own a gun, we'll tack on a $1 a round tax to kill you softly.

Between that and "investigations" and lawsuits pointed at the gun industry will kill it.

Welcome to 1938 Europe all over again. :mad:
How many here have faith that the GOP (bush included)could stop another ban??????

feel confident????

Then why do you continue to support a party that continues to spit out moderates and compromizers for presidental canidates???

At what point does the diehard GOP-only voter need to look in the mirror?
They attempt to federalize state guards but fail. So we see the blue beanies come to town to enforce our laws at the invitation of DC.

One, unlikely. Two, those blue helmets would quickly be in the scopes of millions of lifelong hunters' old 30-30s, as well as in the sights of everything from ARs to M1s. Americans (the good sort) would not tolerate a foreign invasion.
Straight Off the Hot Pages

Washington Times:
President Bush yesterday said he will team up with Democrats to pass an immigration bill with a guest-worker program that his own party blocked this year, and his Republican opponents predicted a bloody intraparty fight but said they cannot stop such a bill from passing.

This is it; this is the wedge right here. Regardless of how you feel about immigration reform, amnesty, or what have you, this is the issue on which we will be sold out. In exchange for WH pressure on House Republicans to support a Democrat amnesty bill, I would expect some sort of deal between the Democrats and Bush on gun control (possibly spearheaded by Schumer).

And the worst part, the absolute worst part of all this: Bush wants to get this on the table and passed because he wants to secure the Hispanic vote for the Republican party. But if an amnesty bill does pass, it will pass under a Democratic Congress! In short, there will be no political benefit accruing to the Republicans from wooing Hispanics in this way.
those blue helmets would quickly be in the scopes of millions of lifelong hunters' old 30-30s, as well as in the sights of everything from ARs to M1s. Americans (the good sort) would not tolerate a foreign invasion.


Psychology matters.

Killing an American cop or soldier with a wife and a kid to resist a law passed in our Republic is full of mixed moral questions. How many would do it, or should?

Killing a foreign soldier on our soil, however, would be pretty easy for a man to do without hesitation or remorse. Maybe there aren't too many men left, but there are enough.
2A Trumps any other firearm laws regardless of twisted interpretation.
If you cannot realize the validity and power of the second ammendment, you are part of the problem.
Sounds good, but we've seen the courts uphold things that are blatantly unconstitutional. Anything in the constitution is pretty much worthless if it doesn't agree with the "values" of the courts.
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