What is the best state for gun owners?

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Feb 22, 2008
A simple question really: In your estimation, what is the best all around state in the Union for gun owners?
Well, this has been asked and hashed out about 100 times this year right here on THR. In short, it all boils down to what gun restrictions you don't want to deal with. You can check the brady site to find the F and F- states, those are pretty good. OR you can search here and read all of the other threads on the topic.


my only advice is Montana sucks. the gun laws are as bad as Chicago and the weather is terrible.
1. Alaska
2. Vermont
3. Arizona or any other open and concealed carry state
4. Texas/Florida

This sounds right. Kentucky is right there with Arizona (or better) Heck, we even have SEASONS.
Vermont.Easily. Open Carry at 16.No permit required since 1902.
Very few off limits places.
Get an non-resident permit for reciprocity.
Alaska age requirement,21,is too high.I put them in 2nd position.

I think Oklahoma was also tied with Kentucky for worst states as far as the Brady Campaign is concerned, which makes it a good state for gun owners. But it wouldn't be my first choice of states to move to.
Alaska age requirement,21,is too high.I put them in 2nd position.
That age requirement is to get the permit they issue solely for reciprocity with other states.

As for my "list", I'd say AK is #1(all NFA legal, OC and CC legal w/o permit) and VT is a close #2, since they don't allow suppressors. After that it'd be SD/WY/MT(in that order, since DDs are illegal in MT) where OC is legal w/o permit, and CC is legal with a permit, which is shall issue at age 18.
Uhh, it's not Texas. I live in Texas, and while its not bad it is certainly not the best state. No open carry at all, permit at 21 and lots of off-limits places.
Alaska age requirement,21,is too high.I put them in 2nd position.

That age requirement is to get the permit they issue solely for reciprocity with other states.

That age requirement is too high.It should be no more than 18.
Sadly,Alaska drops back to second position.Indiana,many others are 18.Get with the program,Last Frontiers'.
I can only assume that those of you who are lauding Texas as "the" gun state 1) Don't live in Texas and 2) Know nothing about the laws here apart from that Family Guy episode where the liquor store clerk insists that Brian gets a free gun with his purchase of a fifth. As an interesting aside Texas has some of the most restrictive liquor laws I've seen in my travels as well.

No, Texas is certainly not "the wild west" that some would seem to believe. In fact, weapons laws in general here in Texas are pretty strict, don't get caught carrying a knife that has 2 edges, for instance.

I like living in Texas, I just wish it was half as fast and loose as everyone who doesn't live here seems to think it is.
It's gotta be Alaska...in VT, you do not have resident permits, so that limits your number of states. You have reciprocity with 33 states with AK. No banned NFA items, or additional restrictions that I can find, gold star open carry state, no permit required for CC..
Florida has no open-carry. Why is it on the list of best places?

my guess would be Alaska, Vermont, or Arizona.
R U Kidding its TEXAS
I don't think so.

Florida has no open-carry. Why is it on the list of best places?
That's what I'm saying. While Florida isn't too bad, it is not the best.

My vote would be for one of the following: Alaska, Arizona, or Utah.

I wouldn't vote for Vermont because they don't issue permits for reciprocity with other states.
I'd definitely rank Kentucky ahead of Arizona. Unless they've changed the law regarding anyplace serving alcohol being off limits. It rules out a lot of good restaurants.

There are very few places we can't carry, and very few weapons also. Open carry without a permit, castle doctrine, no duty to retreat, preemption, and we're one of the states where our employer can't prevent us from having our weapons in the car. I can't think of much about our laws that I don't like- other than needing a permit to conceal a deadly weapon.
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