What is the fastest, easiest, and cleanest way to.....

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And yes, to whomever posted above, the spinners get them very clean if you do it thoroughly. the onty problems I have had were from clumped, poorly treated media, and different caliber cases stuck inside each other. I will take a basket half full of brass, set it next to me on the couch while I deprime them with the hand press, and it will leave a few grains of media I can sweep away with one swipe of the hand.
I use the Dillon CM500 media separator. It works for corn cob, walnut, and when the pan is 1/2 filled with water works great with SS media to separate it all. If you deprime first and use the larger sizes of media some of it will get stuck in some of the flash holes. All the media that is loose in the casings will completely exit when turning around SLOWLY five or six times and then rocking back and forth a few times. If you go fast the media spits out of the catch container (the Dillon has no cover).
I use a litter box with a nested strainer. Picked it up at the dollar store and it works great for this. After lifting the strainer a few inches I swirl the hole thing a few seconds until the cases are empty. Dump the cases out of the strainer and the media back into the tumbler and I'm done.
I use the cat litter box with the strainer same as Sport45. Just dump the stuff in and lift, the media falls thru and the brass is separated. Sometines use the air compressor to blow out the brass.
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