What Liberals Want - the Constitution in 2020

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Dec 25, 2002

What Liberals Want
A progressive conference on the Constitution sheds light on the real stakes involved with the judiciary.
by John Hinderaker
04/19/2005 12:00:00 AM

LAST WEEKEND, Yale's chapter of the American Constitutional Society sponsored a conference at Yale Law School titled "The Constitution in 2020." The stated purpose of the conference, at which some of America's best-known liberal law professors appeared, was to work toward a "progressive" consensus as to what the Constitution should provide for by the year 2020, and a strategy for how liberal lawyers and judges might bring such a constitutional regime into being.

The conference web site describes the event as follows:

It is time for progressives to set a constitutional agenda for the 21st Century. In 1987-88, the Reagan Justice Department produced a white paper known as "The Constitution in 2000" which, by taking a long view rather than focusing on the immediate issues of the day, was immensely successful in influencing the Constitution under which we now live. If progressives are to rehabilitate that Constitution, they must now, more than ever, articulate constitutional ideals capable of inspiring the next generation.

The conference organizers' reference to the Justice Department's 1988 report seems a bit odd, in that the stated purpose of that report was not to lay out a conservative agenda, but rather to identify key issues likely to arise over the following 12 years, and to "set forth the background and the likely parameters of the debate in as neutral and balanced a manner as possible." Moreover, the organizers' conviction that the Reagan Justice Department's report, whatever its purpose, was "immensely successful" in influencing constitutional jurisprudence in a
conservative direction also seems dubious. To the extent that the issues identified by the 1988 report have been resolved, they have largely been resolved in favor of liberal positions.

None of this, however, discouraged the conference participants from staking out bold new constitutional ground. The tone was set in the "opening dialogue" between professors Bruce Ackerman and Cass Sunstein. Power Line sent one of our East Coast correspondents to sit in on the discussion. The conversation left no doubt about the "rights" that, according to these eminent liberals, should be constitutionally enshrined by the year 2020.

The touchstone is Franklin Roosevelt's "Second Bill of Rights," which would recognize a right to "a useful and remunerative job"; sufficient earnings to provide "adequate" food, clothing, and recreation; a "decent" home; a "good education"; and "adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health."

The essence of the progressive constitutional project is to recognize "positive" rights, not just "negative" rights, so that citizens are not only guaranteed freedom from specified forms of government interference, but also are guaranteed the receipt of specified economic benefits. The bottom line is that Congress would no longer have the discretion to decline to enact liberal policies. The triumph of the left would be constitutionally mandated. The following excerpts from the discussion, as recorded by our correspondent, illustrate its tone and content:

From Sunstein:

* With growth and change, political rights enshrined in Constitution are inadequate.

* Need economic bill of rights. Ingredients of Second Bill of Rights--Only with these rights will we have security.

* Long tradition of American political thought--states owe to every citizen a degree of subsistence. Second Bill of Rights made possible by attack on distinction between negative and positive rights. Effort to separate them is unfit for the American legal framework.

* Roosevelt . . . did not favor return to narrowly construed judgments of those who drafted the Constitution.

* By 2020, it's going to be about time for the Second Bill of Rights to be reclaimed. . . . Beauty of Roosevelt's Second Bill of Rights is its concreteness--right to education, etc.

From Ackerman:

* Task of every generation is to create institutional structures which express fundamental liberal commitments.

* [We need to] add "citizenship agenda" to Roosevelt's vision.

* Economic citizenship--stakeholder society in which every young adult gets a form of citizenship inheritance of $80,000, funded by a wealth tax . . .

* Vision here is a citizenship agenda . . . preliminary to rehabilitation of privileges of 14th Amendment which have never been redeemed.

* Idea of a national citizenship is powerful and underdeveloped legal resource . . . .concept that national citizenship has privileges--we need to make this a reality--cure disenfranchisement for felons.

SUNSTEIN AND ACKERMAN disagreed on some points, such as, for example, a constitutional right to housing. Ackerman said:

Well, public housing has failed. It's a mistake to declare the right to a home. Better way to do it is special purpose monies. Wallet of the future is a set of different monies--patriot dollars, health dollars--each with a different distributional value.

Ackerman concluded by articulating his key area of agreement with Sunstein:

We share the thought that the progressive vision of frameworks centers on the economy--needs to be constitutionalized in frameworks to make real the notion of a common citizenship.

ON THE SECOND DAY of the conference, a panel on "social and economic inequality" continued to sound the theme that the Constitution should require the enactment of liberal legislation. Participant Robin West said:

* Equal Protection clause is inconsistent with state that does little or nothing about social and economic inequalities. Implies the existence of positive welfare rights--education, police protection, healthcare, childcare, etc.

* 14th Amendment delegitimizes social and economic inequality.

* We need to develop argument that Constitution requires this type of legislative response (protect vs. winner take all economy).

The left makes no secret of its intentions where the Constitution is concerned. It wants to change it, in ways that have nothing to do with what the document actually says. It wants the Constitution to enshrine its own policy preferences--thus freeing it from the tiresome necessity of winning elections. And how will the Constitution be changed? Through a constitutional convention, or a vote of two-thirds of the state legislatures? Of course not. The whole problem, from the liberal perspective, is that they can't get democratically elected bodies to enact their agenda. As one of the Yale conference participants said: "We don't have much choice other than to believe deeply in the courts--where else do we turn?" The new, improved Constitution will come about through judicial re-interpretation. It only awaits, perhaps, the election of the next Democratic president.

IF THE IDEA OF A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to government-funded child care, "adequate" recreation, and $80,000 in cash seems outlandish, remember that these concepts are no more eccentric than the idea of a right to abortion was, prior to Roe v. Wade. As a law school exercise in 1972, my class was charged with trying to formulate an argument for a constitutional right to abortion. We were stumped. None of us could think of one. A few months later, the "right" to abortion was born.

So Republicans are right to put top priority on the president's ability to get a vote on his judicial nominations. Liberal interest groups have flatly declared their intention to filibuster any nominee to the Supreme Court whom they regard as conservative. The stakes couldn't be higher.

John Hinderaker is a contributor to the blog Power Line and a contributing writer to The Daily Standard.
At what point does a group like this change from people who are investigating the Constitution and its application in the near future to people who would like to overthrow the government?

Ah yes, I remember Roosevelt's ideas of 'rights'. That's why I'm paying into this broken socialist retirement system every month that averages a 1% return!
These people are insane.

Unfortunately, they are not. They are Communists.

I do not use that label as simple name-calling. These people are truly Communists in a strict, Marxist sense; "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need". Do not underestimate them.

People (you, me, every liberty-loving American) need to confront "intellectuals" like this and flatly state that the privilages they are advocating are not rights, but privilages.

We need to do this just like we need to confront gun controllers with "yes, an assault rifle is designed for killing, but killing isn't always murder".

Attack them at their core beliefs.
Along these same lines, some doofus interviewed at a rally at the state capitol yesterday said that a college education is a RIGHT and not just a mere privelege.

That is a perverted idea of what rights are. Rights are what keeps the govt off our backs and allows us to be the masters of our govt rather than the other way around. College is something you work hard for and can obtain if you have earned the money and skills required to enter. Not something the governement bestowes upon you with the swoop of a magic wand.

These Yale doofuses want to make everything under the sun a right. That really cheapens the value of a right. If you have a right to have a house without the money and hard work to maintain one, that's like the farmer providing a chicken coop for us to live in. "I demand my chicken coop!!"

Screw that, I will work hard and get a real house thank you. These lefties really want the govt to become a benevolent farmer that bestowes everything upon us as long as we stay in the pen. Step out of the pen and its into the stockpot you go. "Off to the gulag for you comrade!"

One could argue that their benevolence could really help the poor. But if you dress you kids everymorning, spoon feed their every meal and wipe their chin, lie to them to boost their self esteem, and rob them of the value of accomplishement.... will they ever learn to fend for themselves?

Not a chance.
Examples of what liberals really want (because they made it happen):

1. Child labor laws- becasue 8 year olds shouldn't have to work 80 hour weeks.
2. The Civil Rights Act of 1964- Because black folks are people, too (and sometimes want access to resturants and hotels).
3. Women to have the right to vote- because it turns out they are people, too.
4. Medicare and Medicaid- Because liberals think the poor and elderly matter enough to have health care.
5. The EPA- to help us get clean air and water.
6. The minimum wage- Because getting paid in company script is only one law away from reality.
7. The Securities and Exchange Commission-what, you think coporations would file those accounting reports without it?
8. School lunch programs- because children who come to school hungry shouldn't have to go home hungry.
9. Rape shield laws- because a rape victim shouldn't have to explain her entire sexual history after she's beaten down and sodomized by a predator.
10. Birth Control-Think the right to buy the pill and condoms exists because of common sense? Think again- thank a liberal 1960's US Supreme Court.

Liberals are maligned here because alot of them have ideas about gun control that we (including me) disagree with.
But we owe them all a huge debt. You may disagree with some of the 10 things they brought us, but I bet there is at least 1 of the above (and probably more) that everybody who reads this is glad that we have.
Good points cookekdjr, we are a civilized nation after all. But, it is like a pendulum. The liberals of yesteryear got us into balance. The pendulum made it to the middle with their hardwork and good ideas.

Now the pendulum is swinging out to the never-nerver land of Marxism. They can try that elsewhere.

The Constitution was made to have slight changes and modifications. This is more like govt overthrow. If they don't like the Constitution at all, they can go start their own experiment.
Hey Shalako. Thanks for the props.
The reason I entitled my post "what liberals really want" is I think looking at what liberals have wanted in the past points us towards what they want in the future.
I do not believe the report in the Weekly Standard accurately represents what todays liberals really want. In fact, anytime a conservative publication or media outlet reports on "liberals", I generally ignore it.
Example of why: Hillary Clinton was NEVER considered by Democrats as a presidential candidate in 2004. But Rush and ditto-heads everywhere said she was in the years preceeding 2004 because they know she is so divisive and that many conservatives love to hate her. By saying she was a presidential candidate, it mobilized the troops, and they donated money to the Republican party. Basically, Rush (and other GOP leaders) told their own troops a lie in order to get money from them.
If you want to know what liberals are really about, look at their track record (good and bad). Don't believe the hype.
What Rank & File Liberals Want Is Largely Irrelevant...

Living in the NE, I rub shoulders with your garden variety relatively moderate liberal every day.

Can't avoid 'em, can't shoot 'em, so I've got to deal with 'em. ;)

80%-90% of them are pretty OK, and but for for a few bits here and there, most of us here wouldn't be terribly offended.

For example, we'd wish they thought a little deeper about the things they support, such as the nature of taxation at gunpoint funding extraconstitutional programs, but on the whole, they're pretty live withable.

Unfortunately, what they really want is largely irrelevant.

They'll vote for the Kerry Creature/Dems for any of a number of reasons. For example, because they, like most Americans, have a gay friend, and don't want to be associated with what they perceive to be the party of dark authoritarian homophobic knuckle draggers.

If you don't like that example, fill in the blank with your favorite.

The problem is that while this article probably isn't representative of what they rank & file liberal thinks or feels, it's very indicative of the thoughts and strategies of the leadership they enpower with their votes and money.

The end result is a hellhole like New Jersey.

While it is true, historically, that liberals have made their positive contributions, (not on their own, incidentally, they had plenty of help from more enlightened and/or libertarian forces from all ends of the political spectrum) those are all fights that have been won, many of them justly so, and that's not the topic at stake here.

It's gone so far towards the left that fundamental questions of property and liberty remain unsettled in people's minds.
Communism, plain and simple.
If they push this, it will mean another civil war.
Maybe they know that, and maybe that is one of the reasons extreme left-wingers want to take your guns?
I actually believe that the average Democrats (like my wife) are well intentioned folks that generally hate the idea of homeless children, feel that such a wealthy nation should look out for the unfortunate, and that we should look past brute force as the only way to solve the world's problems. Ok, that's fine enough. But the voice of the Democratic party are the Barbara Boxers, the Chuck Schumers, the Yale Doofuses, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy etc. If that is what the D party chooses as their vocal peice, its impossible not to paint them all with the same brush. The Dems need to lose those losers and then maybe they would have some credibility.

That's why I think that all liberals want to sell me down the river. You hear who they elect to spout the party line, and it causes me to envision pictures of Stalin and Chairman Mao. Like in Dr. Zhivago, "your attitude has been noted, comrade!"

Sheesh, it gives me the willies. The raving lefties demand that you buy into their wealth redistribution dogma, mandate it by law, and pay for it with half your income in taxes, or else you are an enemy of the state.

How bout they commit their own money to help the people they want, and I will keep my money to help the people I want? No new constitution. No new laws to protect the disenfranchised, and they can play 'comrade brownshirt' all they want on their own time? That sounds like the version of freedom I like.

ps. Healthcare. I didn't have healthcare for over half of my adult life. If I would have gotten sick or critically injured, I would have died. Big deal. Woopededoo. Why is it my problem if someone else can't afford healthcare? The constitution didn't include a guarantee that the govt would keep everyone alive for a good reason. That's a personal and individual responsibility. Otherwise we are all on a really big farm.
Got lots of friends in the Democratic Party. Many of my closest friends call themselves liberal. Met Bill Clinton twice, Hillary once, and Carter more times than I can remember. Have friends and aquaintences who've worked in the White House. Know lots of current/former members of Congress and Senators.
For the most part, liberal values are fundamental American values. The biggest problem for liberals is they let themselves be defined by their critics. They refuse to stoop to the levels of the conservative propoganda machine, and spew lies and hatred all day long. And they spend very little time defending themselves. Its pitiful.
The ironic thing is that real liberal values are probably more in line with the average THR member than GOP values. No one gets past the gun control thing, though, so we'll never know.
Oh well.
IF THE IDEA OF A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to government-funded child care, "adequate" recreation, and $80,000 in cash seems outlandish...

I've got no use for child care, although I'll admit I seem to be heading into my second childhood, but by the gods, $80,000 would buy a tidy amount of ammunition for my favorite reactional activity.
No one gets past the gun control thing, though, so we'll never know.

The reason no one gets past the "GUN CONTROL THING" is because it is a liberal idea to control folks. If you vote for a person, that has a record of wanting gun control, you are part of the problem.

Back to this topic. The government does not owe you anything. You do not have the right to a house, education, medical care, or retirement. Those are things you WORK for. That work concept is something the Liberals are having a hard time understanding. If you want the government to provide you with everything, move.

Remember this:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Where does it say the Government owes me a house?, and Education? These are things you WORK to get.
No one gets past the gun control thing, though, so we'll never know.

That's right.

Not one element of the Bill of Rights is up for negotiation, now, or ever, and anyone, especially a political party who suggests it is in on the wrong side of the line.

For the most part, liberal values are fundamental American values.

This, sir, is an obfuscation.

CLASSICAL LIBERALISM is a fundamental American value.

The collectivist parody that is now DNC policy is not.

The biggest problem for liberals is they let themselves be defined by their critics. They refuse to stoop to the levels of the conservative propoganda machine, and spew lies and hatred all day long.

I'm going to take a small risk here, and suggest you spend less time reading Kos and The New Republic, and more time reading Instapundit & National Review.
cookekdjr, once again good points. I think most of the folks on THR are kind, generous, thoughtful people who are doing what they can to make the world a better place. Those may be some of the American ideals your referred to.

I feel, though, that the rift between left and right is due to the extreme left's demand that charity be mandated by law and donated to the causes they choose. That doesn't wash with me.

Also, the main thing I get from my lefty buddies is their hang up with what is or isnt 'fair'.

"Its not fair that mexicans have so little and americans are so rich. Its not fair that high school dropouts don't make as much as civil engineers. Its not fair that I can't afford healthcare." Then the other way --> "well if we bomb those guys, then its only fair if they chop our guys heads off. To show we are fair, we will put Libya and Sudan in charge of human rights at the UN. To make things more fair, we will discriminate against white males for college admission."

Its the pendulum swinging past the middle again. I don't want anyone to be exploited, but don't exploit me to unexploit someone else.
The irony to me is that few people have a problem with taxpayer funded corporate welfare to bail out the millionaires and billionaries but balk at $80,000 to anybody else (an idea I'm also opposed to).
By the way...Liberals say its not fair when a child goes hungry...a conservative says its not fair when the government won't bail out his airline... ;)
Examples of what liberals really want (because they made it happen):

1. Child labor laws- becasue 8 year olds shouldn't have to work 80 hour weeks.
2. The Civil Rights Act of 1964- Because black folks are people, too (and sometimes want access to resturants and hotels).
3. Women to have the right to vote- because it turns out they are people, too.
4. Medicare and Medicaid- Because liberals think the poor and elderly matter enough to have health care.
5. The EPA- to help us get clean air and water.
6. The minimum wage- Because getting paid in company script is only one law away from reality.
7. The Securities and Exchange Commission-what, you think coporations would file those accounting reports without it?
8. School lunch programs- because children who come to school hungry shouldn't have to go home hungry.
9. Rape shield laws- because a rape victim shouldn't have to explain her entire sexual history after she's beaten down and sodomized by a predator.
10. Birth Control-Think the right to buy the pill and condoms exists because of common sense? Think again- thank a liberal 1960's US Supreme Court.

Liberals are maligned here because alot of them have ideas about gun control that we (including me) disagree with.
But we owe them all a huge debt. You may disagree with some of the 10 things they brought us, but I bet there is at least 1 of the above (and probably more) that everybody who reads this is glad that we have.

I couldn't agree more.
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