What music do gun owners like?

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I love modern metal. Lamb of God, Nonpoint, The Autumn Offering, Marylin Manson, basically anything that's metal and not too old. If I wanted to keep listening to freakin' Ozzy I would never have gotten XM.

Metal is motivating.

I listen to some softer stuff too, and some really old stuff just because. Well-rounded diet with lots of metal for the main course.

I gave up on punk a while ago, try to stay away from country when I can.
Well, as I tell everyone, I listen to everything from Metallica to Merle Haggard and everything in between. Old Metallica is far superior to newer Metallica, I think, and this is coming from someone who got turned on to Hetfield and the boys by the Black Album, fer cryin' out loud.... My favorite genre most of my life has been country, but I have lately been really put off by what it's become -- little more than pop music with a steel guitar, as John Walton (Walton & Johnson, Rock 103.7 -- any other Southeast Texans/Houstonians listen?) put it. Texas/red dirt country is awesome, though...Kevin Fowler, Cory Morrow, Jason Boland, Cross Canadian Ragweed, in fact, CCR's Soul Gravy was my most recent cd purchase -- awesome stuff! I do like the newer traditional singers -- well, I say newer, though George Strait, Alan Jackson and Mark Chesnutt have been around for a while now... I love a lot of the older country - Waylon, Willie, George and Merle -- and classic rock as well -- the Rolling Stones, Bad Company, the Allmans, the Doobies (pre-Michael McDonald frontman days!), Hendrix, Sabbath, Van Halen (not Van Hagar!) and the list goes on. And all of this, of course, makes the post-range session cleaning go even faster. :D

Some of us believe Linkin PArk belongs on the same trash heap as Brittney Spears and N'Sync.

Letsz get some Metallica, Rammstein, Kraftwerk, Paul McCartney, The Buggles, Avenged Sevenfold, STP, Stevie Raye Vaughan, Clapton, Johnny Lang, The Paladins, and many more blues and hard rock acts, like AC/DC.

Hint, there are two things in there that do not belong to the others.......
In days past I was a devout Metalhead, with forays into Industrial and a bit of Grunge. I could never get enough Metallica, Slayer, NIN, Saxon et al.

But my tastes have mellowed over the years. Most metal is just simplistic noise to my ears anymore, so I'm usually listening to the Trance stream on DI.FM or playing CDs of electronica that I've downloaded and burned, with the odd sprinkling of Glukoza and Myriam Faris.
\m/ Metallica! O metal bands,bow down and worship thy god! I play guitar but I can't touch their talent.

Other than that there's 80's and 90's metal and rock, like Iron Maiden,AC/DC,Motley Crue(whatever,I like 'em),Pantera,Disturbed and the rest of the usual suspects. Also some punk rock,and Blink 182 is not punk.I like Offspring,Pennywise,NOFX,Rise Against,Strike Anywhere,bands like that.

Finally when it's time to relax there's classic country,it's what I was raised on.I like it but don't tell my dad;)

And then good old classical music. Stuff sounds awesome through surround-sound Bose.

Cannibal Corpse, Nile, Cancer, Nun Slaughter, Dying Fetus, Ripping Corpse, Entombed, Six Feet Under (old), Deicide....

Basically anything with vocals that gurggle and sound like an unbalanced washing machine with a loose belt. It helps if the guitars are tuned down to C#, so that your liver hurts when they play a muted E5 power-chord...:evil: :banghead:
I listen to folk music.

Lately I've been filling my ears with Sleipnir, Battlefield Band, Forseti, The Watersons, and Frank Rennicke.

There's a fair amount of country in my collection, but I consider the more barebones stuff like Willie Nelson's "Red Headed Stranger" to be folk music that trendy Greenwich Village communists couldn't co-opt.

A little Queen and Anorexia Nervosa does a body good...

My eclectic musical tastes were made clear to me one day when I discovered the two CDs on the top of the stack I keep in my desk drawer were Gershwin and Guns N Roses.
My taste is music is extremely diverse. Flip through my CD case and you'll see Miles Davis, Devil Driver, Johnny Cash, Tupac, etc. I can tell you from experiance that you get strange looks when you buy Rob Zombie and BB King at the same time.

If its not folk, disco, bluegrass (well, that ones hit or miss), or something a 15 year old cheerleader would listen to (n sync, jessica simpson, etc), I probably listen to it.

Most of what I listen to is what was on MTV when I was in high school, in the time period when they still played music but before hip hop took over. Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, etc.
It's official, I'm getting old. I don't even recognize the names of half the bands listed. For the record, I like classic rock, southern rock and classic country. I still like those old outlaws, even though it's been years since I was in a juke joint. I like my country singers drunk, divorced and depressed. None of the new, bubblegum, upbeat country for me. If I wanted to be happy, I wouldn't be holding up this bar, now would I? :D

"Sometimes, late at night, he'll let those records spin and the ghost of Hank Williams plays "Your Cheatin' Heart", again."
punk rock, rockabilly, classical, heavy metal, old classic country

Dropkick Murhpys, Cock Sparrer, Patriot, Nick Cave, Supernova, Naked Raygun, White Flag,
I'm kind of partial to Verdi, though I also like Beethoven when he isn't being too heavy and Germanic.

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