What % of your disposable income is spent on guns, ammo, range fees, related?

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10% at least - Hard to pass up on good deals - latest purchase.... Ruger 22/45 P 512 for $160 + a Fobus 2 mag.
I have a project BMW 535is and I'm saving up for an early 80s Porsche 911SC
Just helped a friend finish an '85 911 SC in the Coffee/Tan color but then he decided to paint it...dark GREEN?! arggh.
Disposable income? Do you mean the cumulative total of the money due by me to the IRS as of last midnight? It got "disposed," alright, but I didn't buy any toys with the money.
I spend about 10% of my net income on guns and all things gun and shooting related. That is not bad considering that I don't drink much, don't do drugs, do go to bars very often and I have no other hobbies that cost me much money expect guns. Guns and shooting are my main interests and I don't mind spending the money on them.

What sucks is when you have to spend money on things that don't give you any pleasure, like a new roof for the house or a new furnace. You spend a buch of cash just to get back to where you started.
Well, being a college kid that makes pretty much nothing, and having a few expensive hobbies, and just getting into bikes, and maybe fencing...

Argh. Doesn't look good.
Effectively ZERO. My current job usually leaves me in the hole every other month or so. Yeah yeah, I'm lookin for a new job...

I might have to start selling drugs to support my gun habit.
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