What pistols don't have extractors?

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4v50 Gary

Staff member
Dec 19, 2002
I know the Beretta M21 Bobcat, the Minx and Jetfire don't. Perhaps even the .32 Tomcat. What other guns don't have extractors?
Beretta 86 is the .380ACP tipup barrel model--it has no extractor.
The HK Lemon Squeezer? I know it has one, but it doesn't need it. The Lemon Squeezer's slide stop also serves as its ejector.
I'm not familiar with a few of the pistols listed but good question. Are there any full sized pistols without extractors?
Bergman-Schmeisser/Bergman #1 1894 as well as the Bergman 1896 models #2 and #3.

1908 Steyr Pieper

Le Francais Model 28 Type Armee

Supposedly some of the Remington 95 derringers had no extractors.

The early Sharpshooter pistols in .32ACP by Eibar had no extractors but they were added in later models.
I'm not familiar with a few of the pistols listed but good question. Are there any full sized pistols without extractors?
The Beretta 86 pistols are decent sized--probably most wouldn't consider them full-sized. The Model 28 is probably full-sized by most definitions, I guess.
OP assumed correct, my .32 Beretta Tomcat does not have an extractor, and it has never ever failed to function correctly :)

Only one I can verify, curious about others
Are there any full sized pistols without extractors?

Maybe, but probably not in a service cartridge. As far as I know extractors are pretty important for recoil operation. So any extractor-less pistol is probably blowback operation. All the tip-up barrels would be, since the extractor would be in the way. Other than tip-up barrels, my main question would be why not have an extractor? Seems to be a simple but very useful piece.
Any Beretta with a tipup barrel, including the ones you mentioned, plus the Model 86 Cheetah, a .380. I'm not sure if the other Cheetahs (Models 84 and 85) have them or not. All these guns are straight blowback operation.
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