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What tastes good, what tastes bad?

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Virtually all wild game is excellent if killed cleanly, butchered correctly and prepared well. Everything you're allowed to hunt as legal game is good...
All wild game tastes like chicken. :)

Not really, but they are all GREAT and most are also very good for you.

Moose and Bison are my very favorite wild game meats of all. Whale and elephant are also up there.
Just do not expect any of them to taste like beef or chicken, they don't. Each animal you mentioned is good in it's own right- properly harvested and prepared. Common mistake is to compare it to domestic animals. I grew up basically eating just venison for red meat, and the first time I had domestic beef it tasted strange, almost " gamey " now I love a good beef steak, (key word GOOD). I raised my own meat chickens and now I can not stand perdue, they are so oily and taste like crap in comparison.
Boneless chukkar breast, folded around a piece of pepper jack cheese and green apple, wrapped in bacon, on the grill.

Trout tacos.

Moose chili.

Tenderloins of anything.
Antelope is sometimes good but a lot of the time bad. It has this smell. Big Horn Sheep has a unique tast all of it's own. The fat on it is different then a deer.
How can you all forget about Grouse.
Yes sir! Been so long since we've had a huntable population of that delicacy in my neck of the woods,I'd almost forgotten.
Thanks for reminding me!
Sounds like we've about covered the spectrum on this one, but I will chip in one more tasty critter that doesn't get a lot of attention - pigeon.

Not the skyrats you see in cities, but we shoot big, country pigeons dove hunting each year. Same kind of meat as a dove, you grill it the same way, but it's about 3X the size and every bit as delicious.

Also where I live they're non-game animals and can be taken anytime and anywhere you can find them. Most folks who have them around are more than happy to see them gone. They are suckers for a Mojo Dove decoy.

May sound a little weird but once you try it you'll never go back.
baked in an oven bag, with a few herbs and a little red wine, with roast potatoes, roast japala pumpkin, mint peas and honeyed carrots.
What is tasty? I think it all depends on how hungry you are! :)

Sorry couldn't help it. Cooked right almost all wild game is great, my personal favorite is elk and buffalo burgers.
I've never disliked anything I've taken as long as it's immediately cleaned cooled and if possible brined. Cant stand gamey flavor which 90 % of the time is poor prep. black bear roast marinade overnight in brugandy, garlic clove inserted, onions, potatoes and carrots, slow roasted at 350 degrees in a dutchoven will melt in your mouth. about the only thing I wont eat are eiders or other sea ducks.....the workd gamey doesn't do them justice and there is nothing you can do about them....yuckkkkkk
best thing in camp after the kill is fresh venison liver and heart with potatoes and onions, nicely seasoned, cooked in a cast iron skillet over the camp fire. My Uncle Louie turned me on to this.

well il just throw out a list of things iv eaten.
venison is great eatin
elk aint bad
squirrel is great fried or in dumplings
rattlesnake is good
turtle actually does taste like chicken
gator is good,
rabbit is yummy
beaver is excellent
groundhog is good as squirrel
crow is less gamey than dove.

im sure there is alot more that i have tried but its all that comes to mind rt now that could possibly be unusual
I used to eat farmed gator, and it was decent if cooked properly, then I went gator hunting, and got to eat the real deal. That was fine eating. I asked an experienced gator guru why the farmed gator paled in comparrison, and he informed me that farmed gators are usually fed dog food from the farm co-op, and just sit in one place all day waiting for someone to throw them more dog food. I dont eat gator at reasturants anymore, but if someone has something killed in the wild, I will eat untill they run out.
Its all good. I like eating deer and gator and rattlesnake (no gator and snake doesnt have to be chewy)

Funny, My sons girlfriend was telling us about coon hash. Ive never had coon but hell Ill try anything.

Hell my favorite food is sushi so....
lgbloader, you are on to something there! Livers and heart are some of the best camp meat! Try this sometime, trim up the heart, clean it out and remove as much of the white as you can without cutting into it and stuff it with garlic, pepper and olive oil. Wrap the outside with bacon, just to keep it from drying, and cook over a medium coal fire. Damn fine.
When your Dad is from West Texas and your Mom is a Cajun, if it walks, runs, slithers, digs a hole or swims, I have eaten it :).

I will echo pretty much everything already said, especially:

Preparation is the key, from the shot to the freezer. Get the carcass field dressed, cooled down and on ice as soon as possible, especially when dealing with wild hogs. Good prep work and good use of marinades and sauces go a long way.

Axis Deer is the best wild game meat I have eaten. It can also be legally sold as fat-free meat.

Sandhill Crane IS the Ribeye of the Sky. In Texas the permit to hunt them is free, the only rule is you have to use a plugged shotgun. Really good eating.

Anything wrapped in bacon tastes good :).

Just my .02,
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