What to do instead of boiling over

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Jul 10, 2003
I have read the thread about all the folks who are boiling mad about the loss of freedoms and rights.

I wanted to start a thread for people to post ideas of things to do instead of boiling.

Don't just sit there letting your blood pressure get high. Do something about it

I'll start off the list with only two.

Instead of getting mad at the current situation:

1) Choose one person you know who does not shoot and invite him or her to go the range with you and put a .22 in his or her hands.

2) Make friends with other shooters and start shooting battle rifles at targets between 300 and 500 yards away. Have fun. But seriously practice your freedom shooting skills.....

Others suggestions?

hillbilly, I certainly understand your wish to get issues resolved without reaching a "boiling point." And getting people who've never shot before to do so usually results in changing some minds.

But there are many people on THR who worked dozens if not hundreds of hours at gun shows in WI for the concealed carry bill. And they met the enemy: the hunters who don't care about trapshooters, the trapshooters who don't care about hunters, those folks who are simply focused on their own interests and the rest of us be damned.

Here in Wisconsin, we've made a ton of progress on pro-gun issues over the past nine years, despite losing the fight this year for concealed carry. Many other states would envy what's been accomplished here.

But what's been accomplished has been what appeals to all segments of the gun community. Back in the early 90's, there was an "assault weapons" ban that came before the assembly judiciary committee. There was no hue and cry from gunowners to stop it. In fact, there were only a couple of dozen gunowners who showed up at the public committee hearings.

Fortunately, the bill got stalled in committee. Had the bill been voted upon, you can rest assured that it would have passed, because most gun owners didn't give a damn about those "evil black rifles." Thanks to the media, even most gun owners have a Pavlovian response to the term "assault weapon."

On THR, we often talk about educating people who don't already own or know guns. But, if we can't even get gunowners to care about issues that affect them, we face a really tough battle.
I am mobilizing friends and family. Range time for all. Coaxed some to start buying firearms. Increase the supply of arms and ammo. That is the unit-level approach.

Strategic? I know alot of people on a professional basis that are aware of the "climate" and are armed. Another consideration is that the gun market has never been better. I went to three gun stores in this small burg today and waited in line. Yeah, I bought another one.

There may come a time when we will form town and/or community meetings. Be an upstanding citizen, a good neighbor, a person others will listen to. Practice marksmanship. The most important component of leadership is proficiency.

If there comes a time when we are set up (as in EFAD) then your reputation will be the flag for others that you know that "this isn't right."

With all that is going on, leadership will evolve as it becomes necessary. There is still time to work within the system politically (NRA, GOA, etc.). Keep them funded for now.
The problem with boiling over is not that getting mad is wrong or something to be avoided.

The problem with boiling over is that it takes a lot of energy and doesn't accomplish a damn thing in the process. Boiling over is sound and fury signifying absolutely nothing.

Don't get mad, do something about it instead.

Okay Monkeyleg, here's one for you.

Find one hunter who "doesn't care" about the Assault Weapons Ban (Sounds like you know a bunch of them) and take him to a highpower competition.

Put an eeeeeevil AR-15 in his hands, pay his entry fee and put him on the line.

Tell him it's a great way to practice his rifle shooting for deer season.

Or, find one hunter or trapshooter who doesn't care about the AW Ban and put in his hand a photocopy of the column I recently posted on THR showing how an extension of the AWB will ban every single semi-auto shotgun out there.

Here's the thread.


Excellent idea hillbilly.

What we do in the community I live in:

Sportsmen's club:

Hunter Ed. classes

N.R.A. classes* (every month) 9 current instructors, 5 pending, one N.R.A. trainer, and 5 Range Safety Officers.

Range Master classes (every other month) for all new members

Training gear for our club is absolutely outstanding due to $9,100.00 worth of Friends of N.R.A. grants that have been funded in the last 4 years.

Friends of N.R.A. banquets at our club where like-minded folks enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment as well as getting to participate in auctions for fantastic items courtesy of F.O.N.R.A. - the banquet meals feature wild game meats donated to the cause by members.

Turkey shoots/Ham shoots (public always invited)

1 week long Kids N.R.A. Shooting Sports Camp (going to have 2 one week long camps next year)

Legislative updates at meetings

petitions circulated

Members participate in local League of Women Voters "issues" forums before election day so that more than the far left opinion of that wonderful "non-partisan" organization gets heard.

Kids from our club participate in the Youth Hunter Education Challenge at the state (one is a state champ) and national level.

Youth rifle team started

We do this even though we have fewer than 300 members in our club. A small dedicated group can make a difference.

American Legion/V.F.W.:

Our duty is to look after fellow service members and their families. We are also charged with the duty to make sure that the youths in our community have the fundamental skills to defend themselves and their homeland effectively. They need to be taught about honor and respect and courage. They need to be taught survival skills, and proficiency with arms > see rifle team/youth camp.

For those already serving we make sure they know they are appreciated. We make it plain to them that they are America's future... we make it plain that they are why America's future is bright... and we make it plain that we will see to it that they have an America to return to. And when they return, we give them a free membership to our Post. No returning vet will ever be abused or neglected by anti-American scum on our watch.

Do I still boil over? You bet I do. But no one will ever be able to say that I didn't do my part, and that is really all I can honestly ask of myself.

*Home Firearms Safety, Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Personal Protection, and Refuse to be a Victim
hillbilly, I know where you're coming from, and understand that those tactics do work.

My thread "Boiling over" was just my venting at what's been going on for decades and, in particular, what's been happening here in WI during the CCW debates.

For better or worse, I'm the "head" of the Wisconsin Concealed Carry Association, and its political action committee, the Wisconsin Concealed Carry Movement.

For the past three years, it's oftentimes been a full-time job. I wanted to do it, so no whining.

However, I get all of the emails: those who want to receive updates, those with questions, those who say they want to help. During the quiet periods, there's perhaps one to five a day. When the bill is big news, the number of emails rises to maybe sixty or more, with many of those emailing asking what they can do.

When the bill gets shot down, as it did in 2002 and again this year, the number of emails from people asking "what can I do" numbers in the hundreds per day. My response, politely put, boils down to "you're too late."

After we lost the battle by just one vote, I sent out emails to those on our list asking for contributions to our political action committee, so that we could help pro-CCW candidates come the fall elections.

We have literally thousands of email addresses, and our emails spider out to perhaps as many as 30,000, 50,000 or even more others in the state.

As of this morning, the number of contributors to the PAC is less than 50, and the total amount of contributions is probably around $1500. That's enough to max out contributions to one senator and one representative. To send an effective message, we need to raise between $30,000 and $50,000 for the fall elections. That's reality.

On contributor gave $5. Another was able to give a truly incredible donation of $300. Several gave $100. But, the fact is, most of those brave souls who claim to want to change things can't even bring themselves to send just $5.

And I'm not going to say that this isn't about money. It most certainly is. $1000 can buy a candidate a lot of literature and yard signs. It can help him/her with radio and TV ads. $1000 may not put a weak candidate on top, but it can certainly help a strong one win.

In the end, many of our gun rights battles--including Wisconsin's CCW fight--won't be won by getting a few non-shooters to experience the fun of shooting. The battles will be won inside the legislators' offices, where those legislators will be reminded about just who--NRA, WCCA, or other groups--got them into office, and what price they'll pay for turning on those supporters.

Years back, when I went to the Capitol for the first time, I was like "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." The experience was an eye-opener.

In the end, it's all hardball politics. Threats, bribery and extortion are all part of the game. A fence-sitter isn't won over by arguments. He/she is won over by the number of lobbyists who promise to deliver or withhold.

He/she is won over by the threats of party leadership to strip the legislator from committee positions. That seems like an empty threat, but consider the plight of a legislator who represents a district that's heavily agricultural being transferred to a committee that deals with issues affecting large urban areas. Not much to brag about to the constituents, is there?

He/she is won over by threats from the party to withhold money for the upcoming re-election campaign. Or the promise that the party will back a challenger with money and endorsements.

He/she is won over with bribes by the governor, allowing the legislator to brag about "bringing home the bacon." It doesn't matter that such bribes are illegal: the press isn't interested, at least when it comes to gun issues.

The NRA, contrary to media spin, doesn't have a lot of money to contribute to candidates. What it has is numbers. That's what the media will never understand, or what they refuse to report. But when gun owners and NRA members put their heads in the sand, and refuse to stand up for those gun owners engaged in other shooting disciplines, we lose.

Bringing in new shooters is truly great. The larger task facing us is getting existing shooters to stand alongside their brethren. If even 50% of gun owners in this country would refuse to vote for anti-gun candidates, we'd be home free.

Let's try getting those existing gun owners to side with their own kind.
At the risk of getting my post deleted I must offer the best advice that comes to my mind. Try prayer - it calms the soul and reaches the only One who may be able to touch some of the hard cases. And like many of the other suggestions offered here - it makes you regard the opponents as potential friends and allies. It works.

I have read every word you posted.

You have fought the good fight and are fighting the good fight.

But you are feeling frustrated by the battle. You encounter idiots who don't get it. And you get frustrated and angry, especially by those folks who actually own and enjoy guns who don't get it.

Anger is a natural response to such a situation. But I also know it's easy to allow anger to become the only response, especially for those who've worked the hardest for something.

But I believe the Latin phrase you really need right now is:

Illegitimi Non Carborundum

Yeah, yeah, I know it's not actual Latin, but the sentiment is a good one. Don't let the Bastards Grind you down.

You've seen the dirty political side of the game, Monkeyleg, but maybe it's time for you to find a different way to carry on the fight?

Wisconsin missed CCW twice. This last time by only one stinking vote. Next time it will pass.

Missouri fought long and hard for CCW and finally got it, only to have an activist judge take it away. Even if the MO Supreme court strikes down CCW this time, Missouri will eventually have CCW. It is inevitable. It is the will of the majority of the people.

One more analogy. Building a National Championship college football team is not done overnight (unless your program buys all the players illegally). And the difference between a National Championship and nothing is in the small things......

Did the team run one less wind sprint than it should have in summer practice?

Did the assistant coach make one less recrutiting call than he should have to that one kid's house three years ago?

Did that All American QB throw one less fade route in practice than he should have?

Did one player say one more sentence than he should have to a sports writer three days before the big game?

What I am trying to say, Monkeyleg, is don't give up hope. Every small step taken by our side is a step towards victory. No matter how bad it may look, focus on taking those small steps.

Keep courage, brother. Don't let the bastards grind you down. Find something to do in the fight that doesn't make you boil over and keep doing it.

Everyone must write their Senators and Congresscritters. Few people ever do. The more of us that write, the more they hear a message. It might do some good, it might not. But like water dripping on a stone, it wears a little bit at them and their staffers who are always trying to read the tea leaves of public opinion.

Join JPFO, GOA, SAF, and NRA, then write THEM letters telling them what you want to accomplish. People who cry about "NRA sells us out, I'm dropping my membership" need to realize that it is THEIR NRA too, and they need to let the NRA know their demands.
I believe we all have a duty to teach by example. A lot of the folks I work with are initially shocked that I am a gun owner, and that I support the right to own evil "assault weapons". Representing yourself as a rational, level headed, reponsible person goes a long way towards dispelling bad attitudes toward gun rights advocates. The same can be said for Gay rights advocates, African American advocates, etc. The odd ball, fringe types only perpetuate bad feelings and an erosion of public support. Show your best side, not your frustrated worst.
Wow! Well said, all!

hillbilly and revlar , Excellent advice!

Monkeyleg , Excellent points! - and we need to know these things. Keep up the good fight. I bet you win in November and get CCW next year.

We have met the enemy, and he is us! -- Pogo?

BTW, Monkeyleg, I'm not from Wisconsin, but my check will be in the mail if you will give us an address.

I for one don't think that sitting on your butt with a channel changer in your hand is the way to mobilize votes.

Neither is talking to like-minded people who agree with us.

What will gather momentum for our cause is to convert those in the middle who are not familiar with firearms but who are not radical anti-gunners either. That is the VAST majority.

Let's face it. Many of us grew up with Dads, Uncles, Moms or Aunts that taught us the basics of firearm safety. But TODAY most people have not.
I learned the basics between my cousins, uncles and the Boy Scouts of America. But I know that today with liberal teachers manning the classroom and with the "Zero Tolerance" mentality that assumes all gun owners to be madmen foaming at the mouth, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for converting the "Middle of the Road" over to our way of thinking without scaring them off.

We should be examples. We should convert them in various settings and we should encourage them centered upon one issue: the right to defend yourself and your family from terrorists and criminals.

Very Respectfully,
1) Choose one person you know who does not shoot and invite him or her to go the range with you and put a .22 in his or her hands.

2) Make friends with other shooters and start shooting battle rifles at targets between 300 and 500 yards away. Have fun. But seriously practice your freedom shooting skills.....
I have done both of those since the beginning of the year, sort of. My NY's resolution so to speak.

I put a .45 (not a .22) into a few newbie's hands and I started shooting IDPA.

These ARE all good things to do... but we should do them whether or not we're angry enough to boil over.

Let me suggest a situation which may shed a bit of light on the question: Consider a stove with two pots of water on it. One is simmering but not yet ready to boil over. The other is already in a rolling boil, with hot water splashing onto the stovetop. Which one will you tend to first?

The American Patriot movement needs to be like the second pot, boiling hard, barely controlled and ready to erupt at any time. As long as we play by the rules laid down by those we oppose, we will never win. If there is any chance we might throw out their rulebook and do things our way, they'll think twice about how they treat us.

Look at history: The German Jews played by the rules, thinking the courts and world opinion would save them. The American negro played by the rules and merely extended his own slavery. In both of those cases, the oppressor made up the rules as the game went on, the victims didn't stand a chance.

Sure, play by their rules while you can, but never let them think for a moment that you'll always do so.
We've still got free speech - USE IT!

There are some real good ideas here. I'll repeat my suggestion for some kind of national meadia campaign.

The Brady's anti-S. 659 ad is running nonstop on MSNBC and CNN, yet GOA and NRA are silent! Where's all that money we send them going to? We need to counter their propaganda with some of our own. We've got to reach out and if these groups won't do it then we need to do it ourselves. We need TV ads, newspaper ads, etc. explaining our position to the fence-sitters who think that the "gun lobby" is the Great Satan.

What we need is a response from US, not from some lobbying group. Show them that gun owners are a diverse and responsible group of people and that we draw such a hard line because we care deeply about our rights.

I know it would be difficult and expensive, but with e forum like THR I'm sure we could pull it off.
Kudos to monkeyleg for tenacity...it takes a special individual to stick with a political cause, as a minority faction...and maintain a positive outlook at the same time.

One suggestion, in response to the question posed in the thread title: channel that frustration into some form of physical training activity.

There have been a couple of threads recently along these lines:



Our own system administrator, Derek Zeanah, created a web forum to discuss physical fitness/diet issues: http://gettingfit.no-ip.org

Not meant to take the place of the many good points re: the political battlefield...but a little attention to physical preparation can give one more energy for the admittedly frustrating effort; serve to make a person more effective as a role model; and just might help if the "political battle" ultimately fails.

Can't hurt, anyway.
very soon...

I will move to new hampshire where my vote will have more power than it currently does and where there is already a libertarian spirit. There there's a huge possibility to elect at least a congressman and two senators. The free state project. :)
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