What unique things have you found at the range?

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I was surprised to find a .40 case with fluted chamber soot stripes.
I know of a few HK P7M8 and M13s and even MP5 9mms in town, but I never saw any sign of a P7M10 or MP5/40 before.
I found a bailiffs gun in the toilet once. I was detained outside the security area until they found the bailiff minus his weapon.
About 20 paces from the firing line, I found a 45 cal. bullet that had the rifling marks but the nose end was unmarred. That squib must have barely made it out of the barrel before landing on the ground.
I did find a Smith & Wesson 9mm once at an outdoor shooting area. It was just lying on a tree stump in a nice holster. I left it there until we were ready to go and I picked it up, unloaded it and put it in my gun bag.
As I was driving out the dirt road leaving the area I saw a green Toyota truck coming at a quick pace. I waved the guy down and asked him if he was looking for something. He was the guy that left the gun behind. I gave it back to him. Boy was he embarrassed. He had taken his girlfriend friend shooting and in a moment of distraction laid the pistol down to help her with something and that is where it stayed until I picked it up.

A friend claimed to have found women's underwear at a private range he shot at. Possibly true; the bra he had hanging by his reloading table probably wouldn't have fit him anyway...
TRX, maybe your buddy and Pat go to the same range. ;)
Three cents at the base of a berm on the pistol range at my club. Apparently someone was shooting at them because they all had been hit. Here's one that found a new spot above my bench. IMG_3911.JPG IMG_3912.JPG
Many years ago, we pulled into the local gravel pit to do some shooting, and found 2 burning 1 gallon gas cans in the middle of the dirt. As we pulled in to park, we also noticed there was a large pile of 30.06 brass and metal links, about 100, laying there.
A cat.
The local Sheriff's Department range is in the middle of nowhere, and questionable individuals probably dump animals out there. Anyhow, I'm changing my target on the 100 yard range when I turn around and there's a fluffy grey cat standing behind me. Never saw where he came from. Friendly and healthy looking, I pet him a bit and start walking back to the tables, encouraging the cat to follow. So of course it lays down. Ended up carrying the big booger back (as was its plan all along, I'm sure) while it purred away. Brought it to the RSO's office while shooting resumed, cat didn't even flinch at the gunfire. RSO said it had been there for a few weeks and that they had kinda sorta unofficially adopted it for rodent control, giving it food and treats. RSO confirmed cat was either fearless or stupid, not sure which. I wasn't quite a regular at the range, and I never saw Officer Fuzzbutt again.
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