What was your best shot?

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1996. I crawed silently towards teh edge of a pond in View, Tx. about 7 am. I have my Russian SKS with ten rounds loaded. THEre was a flock of wild ducks resting and I took an aim on one at 20 yds away. Blast it and then the whole flock flew off in flight after hittting the first one. As soon as they flew off the water the whole flock went in my direction. I immediately stood up and fired as I could. I hit one duck in the mid breast area and whoa its amazing to see it drop down. It was about 20 ft away from me. It was a thrilling moment. Can't get any better than that. I love my Russian SKS!!
I hit a clay on the fly with a lever action rifle in .357 , I was using 158 jhp's . everyone was taken back , I couldn't do it again if I tried ( haven't tried again ) but my buddys are ammazed when I shoot .22 shells and .45 shells with my 10/22 at 100 yards with a red dot .IMO should be no biggie everyone should be capable to do that . Right??
I can't really think of a single "holy crap!" shot I've made that just seemed miraculous.

One time I surprised myself with skill I didn't know I had was a few months ago. Me & a friend of a friend took turns shooting at a metal target plate of modest size at 25 yards. I gradually shot faster and faster over the course of several mags until I was truly rapid firing and hitting every time with my cheapo Colt 01991... BONGBONGBONGBONGBONGBONGBONGBONG...

"Did I just do that?" :eek: :D

He shot it even faster, but he had a SigSauer P226 in 9mm. And was much better than me anway. ;)
It was a miserable Sunday morning. Snow on the ground, a North wind that cut through several layers of heavy clothing.
A recent accident made it mandatory to wear an aluminum wrist brace on my shooting hand. The Rangemaster gave the bandaged paw an OK for competition in our modified match.
I cleaned every bank of silhouettes and received the best score I had ever had in a match.
That, upon reflection, taught me something about the way I had been limp wristing my pistol. Thereafter, my scores were better.
I have a couple pure-luck-miracle-never-happen-again-shots;

1) I hit a magpie with a SigP220 at a hair over a hundred yards, pure, sheer, out and out luck. But I had witnesses so I just calmly holstered my pistol acted like I would have been surprised if I missed.

2)I shot a dragonfly out of the air with a .22 pistol after about a dozen tries. I got that baby mounted in my shop, you can see the grove where the bullet went through the head.

3) I shot an egg on a pipe at a scouting shoot with a bore sighted 30-06. At 150 yards. With about a dozen witnesses.

That would have to be my favorite, I abstained shooting through three rounds of shooting cause the rifle was bore sighted only and I was waiting till it was done so I could sight in. Finally one of the leaders convinced me to give it a shot anyway. After I pulled the trigger and saw the egg evaporate, turning around and seeing 12 sets of teeth as everyone's chin hit their chests, mine included.

Best part is, I didn't touch that scope zero after that for the last 15 years till I replaced it last summer after the crosshairs fell down inside it. ;-)

I had set up a 16oz bottle on a hill at the outdoor range, approx. 36yds away. Just to be funny, I loaded up a single round in my dad's Makarov (.380, not 9x18), raised the gun and fired very quickly. To my amazement, the bottle was gone :) Not a world-class shot, but far better than usual for me. Everybody just kinda looked at me and went back to what they were doing. I'm not good, but I'm much better than they were hehehe.
I don't know about my "best shot", but my most "meaningful" was the first time I handled a shotgun.
So, not only was I going to shoot a shotgun for the first time, I had to nail a moving target zipping through the air.

Little sister pulverized the very first clay into a cloud of dust.

Same thing here. I got to pulverize clays today. First time handling a shotgun. :)
On the rifle range as a Marine in 92, I knocked the spindle out of the shot spotting disk twice in a row at the 500 yard line at the 29 Palms range. My line coach just happened to be watching me when I did it the 1st time. Fired the round and saw the disk drop off the target. Coach called down to verify the keyhole shot. Came back to the line that I had blown the spindle out of the spotter. Coach made the comment that he bet I'd never do it again. I told him "Probably not." Next shot, I did it again. Coach spent the rest of the day going on about "His great shooter. I can't claim skill on either shot. Both were just pure luck. That's why I've resigned myself to never winning the lottery. I used my luck up that day. Finished the qual with a 238, so I was happy.
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