What's a Barrel Shroud? (Merged thread)

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I've noticed that the MSM has been hammering the antis since the VT incident since THEY are the one's that came out swinging before the bodies were even cold . People just don't seem to be buying their rhetoric this time around . The fact that they had legislation etc all prepared for just such an incident makes them look like they were just waiting for something to happen . I hope this trend keeps going so the idiocy of the anti gun movement is shown to the people . Heck , even my wife has changed her mind on allowing guns in schools .
Barrel Shrouds are the intregal part of the assault weapon that allows rapid, accurate, sustained, high volume fire from the hip at long ranges as touted by all Brady literature. We must ban all barrel shrouds and require that all shooters remove them from their weapons now as they serve no sporting purpose. In a great compromise of AWB II I propose we give them up in exchange for a guarantee of there never being another gun law proposed in congress ever again.
Aren't you all comforted to know that our legislators don't know anything of which they speak, especially when it comes the weapons and freedom they want to deny us? All the gun banners know is that a gun fires a bullet that can kill people so they want to ban it. They don't know nor care about the "technical " details.

I listened to Larson (first time) just flat out expose Helmke for the unknowledgable, illogical guy he is. I was also surprised to hear Helmke say he had been an LEO. What really annoyed me was that he kept referring to magazines as clips. :)
She also wants to ban pistol grips, because everyone knows how much more deadly they make a rifle. We already have a ban on pistol grips in, survey says....................................................NJ. :barf:

Another MSNBC pro-gunner seems to be Jessica Brewar. On Tue., she had a couple of talking heads on, one from the GOA, and one from Stophandgunviolence. She kept arguing with the anti, and cutting him off, while asking tough questions. Go Jess.
here's the transcript... what a crawfishing piece of work :mad:

CARLSON: Right. But even before we knew anything about the gunman in this case, at Virginia Tech, before we knew his name, before we knew how many people were killed, much less their names, you said the following thing, quote: “The unfortunate situation in Virginia could have been avoided if congressional leaders stood up to the gun lobby.”

This was the kind of sentiment that the governor of Virginia, a Democrat, attacked. He said, I‘ve got nothing but loathing for people who say things like that. Isn‘t it premature to make sweeping judgments about public policy from an incident we barely understand, that is just a couple of days old?

MCCARTHY: No. Because I get up on the floor in Congress every single week and talk about the gun violence that is happening in this country on a daily basis. But with that being said, you know, when we found out that the killer actually had been adjudicated by a judge that he was mentally incompetent, that would have put him right there on the NICS bill that I had gotten passed a few years ago that unfortunately did not go through the Senate, could have been prevented him from buying a gun. And I think that is what we‘re looking for.

CARLSON: Well, wait a second, as far as I know, it is illegal now, it was illegal three months ago for someone who has been adjudicated mentally ill to buy a weapon. Isn‘t it? I mean, it was illegal when he did it, wasn‘t it?

MCCARTHY: It was, but unfortunately, the information that Virginia had did not go into the national instant background check system. And that‘s what basically my bill would do. It would get a mandate for the states, take the information that they have and put it into a computer system so that the instant—listen, we know that a computer is only as good as the data that it has.

The states need to give that information so that when a gun store is selling a gun, he knows that the information he has selling to someone like that murderer, that he shouldn‘t have been able to buy a gun.

CARLSON: In February, you introduced the Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007. It would regulate semi-automatic assault weapons, including weapons that have pistol grips, a forward grip and something called a barrel shroud. Weapons with a barrel shroud would be regulated. What is a barrel shroud and why should we regulate it?

MCCARTHY: I think the more important thing is that it also would have banned the large capacity clips that Colin Ferguson had used and also the killer. But we are talking about.

CARLSON: OK. But I read the legislation.


CARLSON: I‘m sorry. I read the legislation and it said that it would regulate barrel shrouds. What is a barrel shroud? And why should we regulate that?

MCCARTHY: The guns that were chosen back in those days were basically the gun that most gangs and criminal were using to kill our police officers. I‘m not saying it was the best bill. But that was the best bill they could get out...


CARLSON: Do you know what a barrel shroud is?

MCCARTHY: I actually don‘t know what a barrel shroud is.

CARLSON: Oh, OK. Because it is in your legislation.

MCCARTHY: I believe it is a shoulder thing that goes up.

CARLSON: No, it‘s not. I just—here‘s my question. Shouldn‘t we spend more time trying to understand why people commit these crimes, how a person with this profound mental illness like Colin Ferguson or Cho Seung-Hui can exist in our society unnoticed. That seems a more pressing question than whether has a barrel shroud to me, don‘t you think?

MCCARTHY: Well, to be very honest with you, I have been working on that for years, also. That is called having mental parity. When we lost two police officers here—down here in the Capitol, it was done by a deranged person that unfortunately had fallen through the cracks because he went off his medication.

I certainly believe in mental health and it is something that we need to even start looking back, even starting through high school. You know, looking at these young people that might need help and get them help they have. But right now we don‘t have a system that is taking care of that. Hopefully, that will be—get done by Patrick Kennedy and Mr. Ramstad from Minnesota.

CARLSON: I hope something is done. Thanks very much, Congresswoman.

We appreciate it very much.

MCCARTHY: Thank you.

CARLSON: That is it for us. Thanks for watching. Up next is “HARDBALL.” One of Chris‘ guests will be NBC News President Steve Capus. We will see you tomorrow.
MCCARTHY: Well, to be very honest with you, I have been working on that for years, also. That is called having mental parity.

And you've got a lot more work ahead of you, ma'am.
McCarthy's legislation basically defines a "barrel shroud" as
a stock extension that encircles or substantially encircles
the barrel.

Would that include the stock of the M1 Garand or M1 carbine?
It reads so to me.

My son and friends like to shoot clay pigeons on my uncles
farm. After burning his hand, he insisted on putting a heat
shield on the barrel of his Mossberg. That is one of the
"barrel shrouds" specifically called for banning in most of
these AW bans. I have a steel barrel shroud on my S&W 916,
to give a raised rear sighting plane for slug shooting and
add some forward weight to the gun. That McCarthy would
demonize these features and punish me for owning them
is bizarre to me.

The fact that she does not know what is in her own bill
indicates to me it was probably written by the same people
who gave us AWB One and is just sponsored by her without
her reading or understanding HER OWN bill. No wonder these
politicians react to our criticism they way they do: we know
more about their own legislation than they do.
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