Where are my images used right now?

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I was at the last Washington Arms Collector show in Monroe and I do believe I saw an image of yours in their publication thingie. I just flipped through it briefly on the counter and recall seeing your name and an Oleg-like image.
When I mentioned your name at work to a firearms instructor, and he knew who you were right off, well, goes to show you are truely famous, sir!:cool:
I have some of your images oleg, but I have not put them anywhere other than on my computer. I'd however like to use some for HR1022 related materials. I cannote get a half page add where I'd like to as it is outside my means.
Let me know what I can do to help with HR1022 and other specific publications.

The reason behind my inquiry is tax-related. I certainly do not want anyone to stop using these posters and photos.
A few years ago I used two posters of guns being used to prevent rapes in a forum signature. And right now I'm using a banner I created out of the peptobismol-pink AK picture from a-human-right, proclaiming my love for such a ridiculous looking weapon. Sorry I didn't think to ask you before editing the image.
I'll add a link to human-right along with the image.
I use some of your pics in my rouges gallery of potential character pics. In fact, a friend of mine is using one of your pics of Kit for her pilot character in my Space Opera game. No link, because it's just a pile of .jpgs on my hard drive.
I have one or two printed out and posted on in "The War Room" which is an open gaming area in a gaming store that I own. The customers gather back there and play Risk or Monopoly or other games, and I have it decorated with Cold War era posters, etc. A lot of young people in our city see that room, so we thought it was a good place to spread some good messages.

Oleg, I linked some of your images on this discussion board a couple of years back to make pro-gun points in an arguement. If you want the exact threads, let me know and I can dig them up. If you want them deleted, also let me know and I'll contact the administrators.
I have a few of the posters that I modeled for on my myspace page - credit given & permission obtained prio to posting them :D
Been a few years now, but the last time the anti-gun folks were making an uproar in Seattle, the "Tyranny Response Team" printed out several banner-sized Oleg posters and carried them around in protest at the Seattle Center.

Hmmm, come to think of it, the poster printing might have been Dr. Mike Brown's work. Could get in touch with him to find out if he still has & is using those posters in protests & such.


I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, sorry if someone has, but looking through the "Everything you need to know to (legally) carry in MN" book I noticed a few of your pictures. Credit is given and it says your permission was given.
Everytime I work on a friend or family members computer I will leave them with one of your images as a desktop. Male, Female, Child Anti or Elderly I will leave what ever image is most relevant. The messages always seem to get through.

Sometimes I will even change there internet homepage to a-human-right.com

Oleg Volk said:
That is an awesome image -- would love to see more such photos. I think my next poster will be devoted to British shooters.

What do you mean "awesome image"?? There's not even a gun in the pic, only a gun case from what I see.

I remember in a PM back last year in March 06, I sent you the link with something I suspected was yours. This was at:


The link to the site no longer works or at least it doesn't for me.
That site has this page in its "User Images" section. Definitely not "The High Road." I think that some (maybe all) of those guns are pellet guns, but that still doesn't make it OK. Am I just being a crank?
Now I'm not going to suggest that I understand why someone would point a gun at their genitals and have their finger on the trigger (I like to think I'm open minded but out...a quick click through of that page showed some tender bits dangerously close to a p3at's slide being held open too....). Anyway like I was saying its not a fantasy I understand of perhaps there is no logic to it, but sometimes people point guns at each other or have their fingers on the trigger for art. Its done in movies, oleg does it in some of his images.

I'd say most of those people aren't familiar with gun safety more than likely. Usually when I hand a non shooter a gun the first thing they do is wrap their hand around the grip and put their finger on the trigger. I'd like for everyone to be a little familiar with the common sense gun safety rules, but as their artisitc creation I think its fine and just hope that they're practicing safety we can't see with the real guns.
Your posters get color-printed and take turns on display on my office wall.

They're great conversation starters along three basic personality types they expose in the people who comment on them:

1.) Pro-gun type: they get a kick out of them...your basic giggle or "that's great" type reaction.

2.) Curious newbie type: talk varies, but I consider it a win when they come out for the next range trip. I've added 6 new shooters to the sport thus far via this venue.

3.) Anti-gun type: reactions range from stammering red-faced convulsions to smarmy "so you think everyone should have a nuclear bomb" rhetoric.

I greatly appreciate the work you put into them.
Oleg, I to keep a gallery of the pictures of yours that stand out well above your other great works in terms of the applicability to the particular issues of RKBA that I hold most dear.


Hopefully that works.

Also, there are a few progun groups there that use your work.


Don't know if these are your images:

Also added you just now.
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