Where are the statistics for 2013 gun and ammo sales to date?

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Jun 26, 2009
All that I can find after an exhaustive search using 3 different search engines, is popular money generating sites editorializing on gun issues, and NOT actual statistics. My fellow gun owners, I have just come back to the United States after an extended leave. Where are the current as of November 2013 statistics on ammunition and firearms purchases? If you could point a statistics site out to me, this would be greatly appreciated.

I inquire because, when I left in March '13 ammo prices were record high and firearms sales were record high, with record high prices also. I have noticed prices have dropped, therefore, I want to know the statistics on the ammo and gun sales including all months of 2013 up to the current month November.
I've never seen official ytd statistics. All I've ever found are the annual ATF reports that are released well after the first of the year.

The only "official" information would be from the National Shooting Sports Federation, the industry group that might collect sales volume information.

Of course, the 2013 information may not be available since we're still in 2013.
This doesn't really reflect what you're looking for but something I check regularly to see what the mood is :)


Shows number of NICS checks by month. A few things to consider;
Not every check is a new gun, some are used
Not every check is an actual sale
There can be several firearms on one NICS check

Edit: Also stock prices of the publicly traded companies can be interesting to examine.
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