Where do I put my pinky?

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Sep 9, 2008
Where should I put my pinky when holding a sub-compact auto? There is only space on my Glock 26 to put my index, middle and ring fingers. Everywhere I put it seems to be uncomfortable or unnatural. When I let it wrap around the butt of the gun, at an upward angle, it gets in the way when I grip the gun with my support hand. When I pull it all the way into my palm, or let it hang loose it feels unnatural.

Has anyone else solved this sort of problem? By the way I do have grip extensions, but I would like to be able to not use them for added concealment benefit.
Do the grip enhancements really detract that much from concealability on a baby glock?
For short-grip subcompacts I curl it underneath the magazine floorplate. This is more to just get it out of the way than to add any sort of stability though.
I got the larger of the grip enhancers for my Glock 27 and even though the gun is still small I can still get my XL size hands on it.
Curl the little finger up under the magazine floorplate and apply upward pressure. This will tighten your grip on the gun. Colt SAA shooters learned to do this a long time ago. ;)

There are aftermarket extensions you can substitute for the factory flat floorplate - some of which also add two rounds - or factory extended mags from Glock which also add two more rounds. They add some length - in fact, they are within a fraction of an inch of the G19. Perhaps when carried belt holstered this doesn't hurt anything, but it does sort of defeat the purpose of having a little gun. You can also fit one or two of your magazines with the extension and another with the flat, to give you an option.
+1 on curling the pinky under the mag

When I first held a subcompact Glock it felt weird, but when I shot it I was surprised at how well it worked. I have a Glock 27 now and have no problems with the short grip.
Ditto with my CZ RAMI, little finger under the magazine base and press upwards.

I also tend to find that my thumb, as well as pressing in, tends to also push down a little to counter the pinkie pressure and I feel it locks my grip well.
I've found that I prefer to curl it up under standard mag vs using mag extension, works better for me (very large hands)
Will the backward pressure on the magazine when using grip exts. while shooting disrupt magazine function at all?

Up under the mag. is what I instinctly do. I guess I'll just have to change the way I grip with my support hand. The way I use it now the ball of muscle under my thumb presses against the left side of the gun and squashes my pinky. Or maybe I'll just have to get rid of that pesky pinky, who needs pinkys? :)
What is the name of the finger next to the pinkey????

Where do I put the pinky and the one next to it with my G36? I have big hands but actually have no problem shooting the G36. Two fingers work fine.
When I shoot a very small pistol like that, my pinky winds up curled under the mag. My left hand's palm makes a "pocket" in the middle at the base of the ring finger when you flex it- it's right where the two big lines in your palm skin are. The knuckle of my pinky fits right in this little "pocket" and my right ring finger knuckle sits between my left index and middle finger knuckles. This leaves my thumbs parallel and pointing forward on top of each other.
I have the Pearce ext. on my g33 and in my opinion it dosen't take away from concealability at all. I have clonus real bad in my hands so I need the extra finger hold.
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