Where to get hi-cap 10\22 mags?

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Oct 16, 2003
Kansas City
Looking for online sources of good new quailty 'steel lips' high capacity mags or similar for a 10\22, who has them and what kind of money are we talking? TIA,
If you can't find you steel lips I am sitting on 3 only Butler Creek new in the wrapper Ruger 10/22 Hi Cap stick mags. They are not cheap.
$75 each plus S&H.

I don't want to gamble on the AW ban sunsetting and not being replaced, actions in the present beat plans in the future. That said, IF the AW ban DOSN'T sunset, i imange that there will be a jump in prices, so i'm willing to spend more now, in case it is replaced. Call me a pessimist, but it seems rare that any gun control laws are ever gotten rid of. (Providing any new legislation don't restrict the sale of pre-ban mags...)
I understand your concern. If you think it isn't going to sunset then you should be writing your congressman! Most folks aren't that aware of the ban so you should find them on EBAY for $50-$75 after the ban fails. If the ban goes away you will be able to get them for $15!

I bought one in Montreal once - but it stayed in Canada as a gift to my gunsmith friend.
hmm... on one side of the border you can get 10 years for a bit of plastic and steel, whereas on the other you can find them for sale inexpensively...


oh well... gunbroker.com seems to have some pretty good deals, but it still seems like a lot of money considering what it is.

I've got a couple that I'm willing to get rid of.
I offered them on THR before, but my brother asked me to wait. He ended up not wanting them, so I'm going to email the people who contacted me before. If they don't want 'em, you can see if you do.

I'm right in your area, too.
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