Which Bedside Pistol Safe?

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Jul 31, 2005
Any suggestions for a bedside pistol safe? I want a rapid access push button one so that power source is not an issue. I love the idea of the thumbprint ones, but they require power, as do electronic locks.

I want it to hold a full sized pistol (e.g. my CZ 75), extra mags, and maybe a small flashlight. But I don't want it to be easy for kids to get into (e.g. a key safe if they found the key).

What kind of price range am I looking at here? Obviously, the cheaper, the better (in terms of price, not quality).

What do you use for your bedside safe, and why? Any safes out there I should NOT get (and why)?
I have two ADG SecureVault top load units. They are NOT for keeping out determined bad guys - they are solely to keep the wee little sprogs away from the pistoles while allowing me to keep a couple within handy reach around the house.

They do that job well. No complaints.
Avoid key locks.

Decide between push buttons that are manual and those that require a battery...

Look for a spring loaded door and the way the pistol is "presented" to you.
+1 for V-Line ... I use them to hide loaded guns all over the house -- whatever room I'm in, I'm only a few steps away from a loaded but secure firearms ... it's simple and effective!
+2 for V-Line.

Relatively inexpensive (for it's quality) and with a manual push button lock. No power, no batteries.

Anybody got a link to a V-Line? Anybody think that Walmart safe is better for any reason (besides size)?

I don't like the idea of a key safe. Don't want kids or bad guys finding the key.
I like the looks of that RD handgun safe. Anyone know where those are made? Do they sell them in stores? I'd like to take a look at one.
I've not seen The Handgun Box in stores. We purchased one about 5 or more years ago and then another this year. The first was a big box and the second was the one designed to be installed in a 2x4 studded wall. That can be done in about 30 minutes and it's a good one for behind the clothes in the closet.

The Simplex lock is reliable and can be set in any combination of single of multiu-keystrokes.
I agree with bubbygator, DAC pistol safe at Wally's. Screwed onto my beautiful quarter-sawn oak floor... how's that for a review?
safe or no safe

If you got kids around the house, then use a bed safe.
I can get to my pistol fast, no keys no codes,
I mounted a holster to the frame.
Once i leave the room it goes with me or in the big safe with the rest.
Hey, TX1911fan...doesn't that foam hold in moisture?? Have you not had any problems with rusting? Please let me know, because i do like the looks of that safe!
I use a larger size GunVault and it has been perfect for three+years. I open it twice a day and I am on the first set of batteries. I lagged it into the wall in the bedroom closet. With the finger grooves, it is very easy to open in the dark.

None of these safes will keep out determined badguys - I am mainly worried about my toddlers.
Fingerprint / biometric

Does anyone have experience with a small safe that uses a fingerprint scanner for access?

I would think it would be faster than entering a combination but more secure than just having a push button release.

I have a Gun Vault now, but would like something that can be accessed even faster without compromising the safety of my children.
Entry level biometrics used on cheap every day items, like keyboards, laptops, and safes are poor at best. They have better biometric systems, but they drive up the price of these simple items imensly.

I wouldn't let my family's lives rely on a biometric lock. EVER. There are just too many failure to reads on entry level systems.

Stick with your GunVault.
I've had no rust problems, no moisture problems. It's a great safe. I've traveled with it, and it does extra duty not only as the hard sided case that I can check at the airline counter, but then clamps onto a hotel bedframe for a bedside safe on the road. I highly recommend it.
I've learned a trick with the GunVaults that can really speed up access times. I had the same complaint that a lot of other people had, and that it takes for ever for the thing to let you enter codes. If you go to fast it misses inputs, and really slows you down.

But on the other hand, some people said they didn't have that problem. So down I sat with the GunVault to figure out the problem. It's clearly a software problem that comes from repetitive keystrokes.

Say your combination is 1,1,2,1. You can't hit 1 then 1 again immediately. The GunVault won't recognize the second hit of the 1. The software isn't clearing the register quick enough. However, you can hit 1,2,3,4 as fast as you wish and it will take it, almost like each key has it's own buffer.

I tried this on two GunVault deluxes bought at about the same time and it did it on both.

Make sure your combo doesn't have repetitive keys, and you're golden.
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