Which company makes Mil Pro 7?

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Apr 24, 2007
Lima, Peru
Can't get their products in Peru, but the Hoppes Elite cleaners and lubricators are available, and I've read in a few places that these are the same products sold under licence by Hoppes.

One of the Hoppes products is the Elite Field Cleaner, which is a CLP type of cleaner. If this is in fact the same as the Mil Pro 7 CLP, could anybody tell me how it compares to Break Free CLP?

Break Free is just not available here, but the Elite Field Cleaner is, and I'm wondering if it is a good alternative.

Is using a CLP really as simple as it sounds? I have no experience of these kinds of products, and I wonder if there are any do's and don'ts about their application. Is this product suitable for guns with plastic frames?

Apart from my rimmies, the only other firearms I have are a Glock 380acp pistol and a 12 guage pump shotgun.

If I'm right the Elite Bore Gel is presumably rebranded Mil Pro 7 Bore Gel. Is this an abrasive cleaner?

Sorry for all the questions. If I can find the manufacturer's website, I might get the answers there.
I have used MPro7 cleaners for many years. I've heard that Hoppe's is the same, but don't know it for a fact. The MPro7 spray cleaner and bore gel that I bought years ago is a very, very fancy soap. This is high-tech stuff. It really does work with a little brushing and it is odorless. It will take ALL of the oil off your hands though. No abrasives that I can tell.

Let's see, here are the material data sheets on the bore gels. They're made by the same company. I'll leave the line by line comparison to you.

www.hoppes.com/msds/Elite Product/EliteBoreGelMSDS.pdf

www.mp7.com/Downloads/M-Pro 7 Bore Gel MSDS.pdf

I've used a lot of BreakFree CLP. It's a good lube and a good rust protectant. It cleans okay, but as I remember the cleaning part of the formula is only about 15%. If you want to clean copper out of a rifle barrel use a real barrel cleaner. The thing about CLP is that you can add a couple of drops to the moving parts of a dirty, sluggish gun while at the range and keep shooting. That 15% solvent loosens up the gunk and the oil keeps things lubed.

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