Which Ohio gun show should I pass pamphlets out at?

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Sep 16, 2006
Reminiscing the Rockies
I'm going to gun shows to pass out NRA pamphlets about Obama. Here's a list of upcoming gun shows in Ohio:


Last time I handed out this from the NRA:

as well as stuff I printed up. This time the NRA sent me some pamphlets that are much lighter in content but get to the point quicker. Albeit they don't mention anything about Heller, his views on justices or SB1195. :p

Looks like I'll be printing some of my own pamphlets up this time as well...

Oh well, back the the point. Any suggestions on which show to hit in Ohio? I will only be able to do one in Ohio and I can't do it this weekend.
Head for the show at Westland mall in Columbus. It's better attended and the people there are more likely to need the advice. Its the same crowd at Akron/Cleveland?massillon everytime and mostly they are quite, rural :)

Its the same crowd at Akron/Cleveland?massillon everytime and mostly they are quite, rural

Thanks for the tip!

Although you would be surprised with how much luck I've had with rural folks. Many of them were going to vote for Paul or Barr before they found out how anti-gun Obama is. Their reason to vote switched from a purely ideological one to trying to keep themselves from being a felon. Any idea what the attendance is at these gun shows? Which one is bigger? etc...
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