Which PPQ .22?

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Feb 2, 2015
I'm the happy owner of 9mm and .45 PPQ's (4"), and now that I've sold my Ruger SR22 and have no other .22 handgun, a PPQ .22 is a no-brainer choice for me. However, I'm really on the fence between the 4" standard model and the 5" target model.

The .22 would serve two pretty equal purposes. It would be my one and only .22 target shooter, and it would supplement my training with the 9mm and .45 Q's. I've never had the luxury of having a close match .22 version of a center-fire platform--would I be better off getting the 4" .22 because it matches the barrel length and sights of my other Q's, or do go with the 5", because what I'd gain in superior target shooting performance is more than what I'd gain in training value with the 4"? :confused:
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I'd only get the 4" for the reasons you said and it's just a little trimmer package.

I'm not saying they're not accurate or anything like that, but, imo,....

If you want the extra accuracy, go for a different gun that people are always saying are tack drivers such as a buckmark, MkIII, etc etc.
I'd choose neither of them.

They are potmetal Umarex junk. They are not real Walthers (unlike the excellent centerfire PPQs).
Actually the slide on the PPQ .22 M2 is aluminum. It is still built by Umarex though, which makes me automatically expect the worst.
I have the 5" ppq 9mm and just bought the 5" 22. I have only shot it a couple of times so far, but I really like it. It is an aluminum slide and therefore has a different "feel" than its big brother, but you quickly get used to it and I now like it. by feel I mean the slide action, the grip is just like the cf gun. I like the fiber optic sights on the 5" model since I have them in my 9 also.
I would go with the 4" as it will be a better training aid for your full size pistols. Actually, I would love to see Walther come out with a M1 paddle magazine release version and the lack of that model is the only reason why I don't have one yet. My S&W M&P22 is similar enough that I haven't picked up the PPQ22 yet. However, my M&P22 has been a solid performer, totally reliable with every type of ammo from the high quality ammo to old bulk pack junk ammo and quite accurate as well. The PPQ22 looks to be the same design, just in PPQ clothing so I expect it would perform very similar to the S&W version.
As far as the haters that have zero first hand experience with these pistols but will scream they are pot metal junk (they're not and actually have aluminum slides with steel re-enforcements but when you have no experience with them, how the hell would you know what they're built out of) or come with their own set of preconceived notions, just ignore them. No first hand experience is IMHO just an ignorant opinion and nothing more.
I have an original first model P22 with thousands of rounds and no issues.

Remember, the Ruger SR22 had peeing issues with its "superior" aluminum slide.

They are fun. As far as a trainer? I am not 100% but you can make that call.
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