Who does both rifle and bow hunting?

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Feb 2, 2011
I am wondering who does both rifle and bow hunting, i know there are many people that just bow hunt and not many that rifle hunt. And which one do you like better.
I do just a little bit. I prefer rifles but occasionally take advantage of archery equipment for better seasons or other opportunities.
Don't really get excited about archery equipment like I do about rifles. Plus I actually like to kill stuff instead of feeling hapless with the equipment in my hand
Bow, rifle, shotgun and handgun they all have there place. I think that bow hunting tends to make a better hunter out of you. It tends to teachyou how to set up close for deer how tolearn to control odor with out the need to mask it. smf just to pay more attention. Rifle hunter can stand off and get away more movement ,less camo and control over all. In many places you have a better chance a a big buck ( the rut) out side of the rifle season too.
I do both. Only been hunting for a couple of years, and haven't been successful with either yet. I like bow hunting more because of the earlier season with elk, and because it is also a lot harder. But they're both fun. :)
I do both. I bagged a doe with my bow last week, and in a few more weeks, I'll be able to break the rifle out.
I do both. Last season, I filled my last tag on the opening day of rifle season. I was lucky enough to tag 2 does for the bow season opener, then I got a buck on the last day of bow season, and another buck and doe the very next day, which was the opening of rifle season.

This year, not so much. Just one buck in the freezer from the bow season opener, but next weekend (when rifle season opens) I'll be back out again on Friday!

At first, I did it to maximize hunting time, to make sure I filled all my tags, but now it's more about the enjoyment of being out there, and the extra skill of being up close to the deer. Next up, handgun hunting!
I do both. I'm in SoCal and in between the extended season and lots of areas available to bow but not firearm hunting I'm learning to appreciate the advantages of the bow around here.
I've bow hunted pretty much all of my life. Rifle season has always been saved for the western states with huge open areas where bow hunting is practically impossible.

As Asherdan stated, it has advantages in seasons and on certain game such as Elk. They usually have Bow season right in Rut and any Elk hunter knows that is the best time to get out there for them. When that beast is bugling it's one of the best sounds on earth!

I rifle hunt primarily for pigs but I bow hunt them sometimes. I have, in the past 15 or so years, really began to love pistol hunting as well. It involves pretty much the same skill set as archery. You just have a little quicker follow up shot than you do with a bow :) Other than that, you need to get pretty close, use the wind to your advantage, and cover up well or you won't see anything but the white flag of a deer while pistol hunting.
Rifle, Bow, Handguns etc.. they are just the means to the hunt as far as I'm concerened. What ever the season/weapon is is just an exercise to get me out there hunting. I do think you need to do your due diligece to become proficient with the weapon/season your participating in. That all said I think keeping a Bow hunting attitude makes you hunt closer and be more careful of your shots you decide to take..
I do both. I first was not interested in bow hunting, until I saw all my friends around me killing nice bucks before I could even go to the woods. Then I got a bow. I have killed 3 with a bow now, and it is a thrill for sure. But all in all I am a gun guy at heart and prefer gun hunting. Funny thing is, most of the deer I kill with a gun are within effective bow range.
You cant spell crap without rap!

Nice tag line!
I do both. Deer season would be way to short with only rifle. With bow I can also hunt in the urban areas. And it makes me feel more superior than all the orange wearing gun hunters.
I've owned guns about as long as bows but have never had a rifle tag. I've been bowhunting for about 30 years, all in Western states and always on the ground..

I've been on a few rifle hunting trips with friends to help out and have fun when I didn't draw a tag. Rifle hunting is really different compared the bowhunting I've done. Most of my friends think bowhunting is too much work if you can get a rifle tag.

I bought a S&W 460 revolver to do some elk hunting several years ago but still chose archery over the gun because of the challenge. One of these years I do really plan to take one of my rifles or handguns hunting big game just to compare.
I hunt with all, bow, crossbow, rifle, pistol, muzzel loader. I don't favor any over the other. It's not the implement used it's how the implement IS used that makes the hunt a challenge. Sitting on the edge of a food plot with a bow is hunting but with a centerfire rifle is more shooting than hunting, to make the rifle more of a challenge try still hunting the forest or stalking. There are ways to make all weapons a challenge to hunt with and for me to say that one involes more skill than the other is to be a hypocrite.
I started bow hunthing this year. While I enjoy it, I think I prefer rifle hunting as a rifle is just smaller and easier to tote around in the woods.
I just started bowhunting this year, no luck yet though. I'm a big fan of hunting with my rifle, but slinging an arrow at a deer is an idea that is really growing on me. Also, its nice to be able to hunt closer to the city and to hunt when its not so damn cold
I hunt with both a rifle and bow. I like rifle hunting because if I see something, it is much easier to fill my tag. Bowhunting on the other hand is much more exciting. Nothing like a elk bugling 20 yards from you and making your shot at 9 yards, or trying to stalk a bear with a bow and coming face to face with him at 5 yards. I can't say that I prefer one over the other, right now when I go out I carry both my bow and rifle. The rifle if I see an elk or a deer that I want to put in the freezer and the bow for if I see a bear.
There is nothing quite like the sound made when the arrow smacks into the side of the animal. That and being able to see the point of impact made to know you made a good or bad hit.
I do, but I don't own a centerfire rifle at this time, so I use a single shot 20 gauge with rifled slugs for game. And I have an old (getting too old) Oneida bow. Last year I killed a whitetail in NY with the bow, and a black tail in WA with the shotgun.
i use bow, rifle and handgun. I only go bow hunting a few times per year but get out rifle hunting much more often. I prefer to take an animal with my bow but I am happy to get a deer with my rifle. Down in South Texas we get about 1 month for bow only and gun season runs from the first week of Nov up late Januarty or even Feb in some counties. Most guys rifle hunt around here because just about everyone gets a deer with a gun. On a side note, I dont even think we have a muzzleloader season.
I do just a little bit. I prefer rifles but occasionally take advantage of archery equipment for better seasons or other opportunities.
Don't really get excited about archery equipment like I do about rifles. Plus I actually like to kill stuff instead of feeling hapless with the equipment in my hand
I feel the same in your quote about "Don't really get excited about archery equipment like I do about rifles." I feel the same, but i am not sure if i am in to archery or not. I am big time into firearms and even thought i am a crack shot with a bow i dont know if i like it as much as i think i do.
Bow, rifle and pistol here. I've killed a lot of deer with a rifle. I'd say I like them all equally. Bow hunting takes more skill than the rest, but I'll use whatever equipment is in season just to get outdoors.
I hunt with a little bit of everything. From shotgun, muzzle loader, pistol, slingshot, bow or rifle. Anything that gets me into the woods. My strong preference is to bow hunting.

While I enjoy shooting my rifles it just seems to darn easy to hunt deer with one. Perhaps if I was targeting one particular deer it would be different. Since I am a meat hunter and not a trophey hunter it matters little to me. I take my rifle deer hunting if I just want to fill a tag quickly. Otherwise I like the peace of being in the woods and enjoy my time with a bow.
I love the sport of hunting.. Eather Bow or Gun makes no difference to me if I had to choose I think I would choose it would be a Bow or a Pistol both weapons you have to do every thing right to make it happen..
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