who is thehighroad?

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I noticed that they didn't post the income of folks 50+ years old. Perhaps they think the income of those of us who are of that age group skews their end result. Thus it may change their direction and point of view.
Seeing as I don't see much sunshine I am beyond white.
50 years old look 60 because I act 30
.. and because of that behavior I don't have enough money left to get in real trouble.
I think we should take a serious look into that College scholarship thingy. Who knows, maybe we could get non-profit status for THR?
I think some here fail to realize just how powerful mathematics can be, specifically calculus and statistics.
"Seeing as I don't see much sunshine I am beyond white.
50 years old look 60 because I act 30
.. and because of that behavior I don't have enough money left to get in real trouble."

Sounds to me like like you are doing the right thing.........ENJOYING LIVING! Keep on enjoying Brother!
Wow yea I dont know where those sites come up with that info, aside from google's keeping track of other sites you visit and guessing.

But I've been to plenty of gun shows, and I only just turned 21 a month or two ago... Actually bought my first gun (Mossberg 500) at a gun show when I was 18 ;)
Huh. I guess i could be called "occasionally active" on this forum over the past six years or so, and according to those statistics, I'm totally average:

Age: 34
Married, first child on the way.
Gross annual household income, 2009: $60-70K
Homeowner: yes
Home Value: 185-195K
Gender: male
Ethnicity: "White" American, from English, Scottish, Irish, & German ancestors
Education level: B.S. plus 10 years experience
Guns owned: 7 semi-automatic handguns, 1 revolver, 1 semi-automatic rifle
Political affiliation: libertarian
Religion: Non-denominational, non-church-going, "individualist" Christian

So, pretty average.

Which means...what? Pretty much nothing if you ask me.
Time to shake all you dudes up with a little stereotype crusher.

25 yrs old, Jewish (from an Orthodox home if it matters to you), NorthEasterner, conservative, recent law school grad, making less than half the average income on this site, and a total gun nut.

Take that!
Over 50, helping to fill the informational needs of the citizens of the poorest municipality in America, don't get to shoot often enough...

... And I am thehighroad (or at least I am theotherwaldo, which is good enough for me).
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