Who would this be?

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Aug 5, 2008
I was reading a blog by Robert Boatman discussing the experience at Gunsite. He discussed a situation in which a LEO had a negligent discharge, but did not mention a name. He indicated tha tthis was someone who went on to make a name for himself as a gun writer. Anyone know who this may be?


"Dry-firing has always been a staple routine to aid rapid sight acquisition and trigger control. The head of a major law enforcement agency was practicing dry-firing at a target on the wall in his office. He had no sooner finished practice and reloaded his .357 Magnum revolver with high-velocity hollowpoints than the phone rang. After a long and heated telephone conversation he went back to what he was doing, dry-firing into his office wall. His second-in-command, sitting at his desk in the office next door, caught a bullet in the brain, the shooter’s brilliant career in law enforcement came to a sudden halt as well, and he went on to become one of the most famous gunwriters of all time."
How old is that blog? I though R. Boatman died two hears ago?

Yes, R. Boatman contributed much to the shooting community in his day, and he is worthy of remembrance... but it would be wise to take anything he, or his son, have written with a grain of salt.
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