Who's got .224 FMJs in stock?

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Sep 14, 2010
I need to order 2000 55g FMJS, and I can't find anybody that has them in stock, in bulk, for a decent price. My local supplier sells them for about $55/1000, but they are currently 10 million rounds behind after the shot show orders, and don't have any anyway...anybody found them recently at a decent price?
I would buy all I could find at $55 per K right now.

No kidding! I'm paying more than that and I have to buy case of 6k to even get close. If you don't have any luck, shoot me a pm and I can probably help you out, but it will cost more than $55/k.
GWB shows out of stock when added to cart, thanks for the link tho, not a horrible price per/K. And I know I get a bit jaded with the $55/1K price, but with two large ammo manufacturers close by, they sorta drive prices down sometimes...
I went to buy some but they went from 60/k to 75/k so I passed. The last time I was on fsreloading.com they had them if your willing to pay that price.
Thanks, I'll check em out, I am willing to go that high, provided they have them IN STOCK.....
I just can't justify spending that much on them no better then they shoot & I already have about 6K at the house. I may have misspoke tho. Seems they may have been 62gn that was stocked. Probably should have looked.
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