WHy do they even go to the range?

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IMO, it sounds to me as if the guy on the phone was trying to impress the person on the other end by allowing the loud booms of the firearms around him convey his 'bad dood'-ness.
I don't turn my cell off, it might be important. I'll answer to ascertain if it is important and if not I'll hold the cell up towards the line and say "What? WHAT? I can't hear, I'm under fire, call back later..." and hang up.:D

I'd largely disagree with that based on my own experience, and also from reading various advice columnists, including Miss Manner and Emily Post (hey, I can always hope to improve myself! :) )

A number of people whom I know are very manners oriented and extremely considerate simply have no concept of how rude or invasive a cell phone can be.

I really think a lot of it stems from the fact that people still feel that their phone conversations are private, as if they were having the conversation in their home.

But other people? Yeah, they just don't care.

Me? I have a cell phone ONLY for emergencies while driving.
It takes all kinds.

This Saturday morning I'm working as a SO during 'sight-in-days'. I'll probably have some stories for you by Monday. :)
It's like when people take their cell phones into to gym. Okay, I can understand needing to stay in touch with family, kids, etc., but some people will jabber about nonsense for 30 minutes in the gym on their phones. And they wonder why they can't lose weight!
Later that day, his wife got a phone call from the minister of his local church. Seems he was very concerned because he had a five minute answering machine message that featured a wonderful rendition of a love song interrupted at times with sporadic gunfire.

Cordex, that's priceless! BTW, you owe me a new keyboard... sprayed tea all over this one!

:D :D :D :D :D
You can tell a lot from listening to your powder, actually. I hold long conversations with mine. You've got to ask your powder, are YOUR needs being met? How do you feel about CCI primers? What about Federal brass? It takes a while for powders to open up, esp. old Du Pont/IMR cases. But then the answers come, and you can learn a lot.
I teach at a small public college. Student cell phones go off in my classes, and I kick the phone owners out until the next class day. There is even a statement in all my class syllabi that offending cell phone owners will be kicked out of my classes for such interruptions.

About three weeks ago, I was in the men's room in one of the buildings. I heard a cell phone go off, and it sounded like it was coming from a nearby stall.

Someone answered the phone, and actually said the following,

"Hello?"....pause........... "Nothin' man, just sittin' here trying to take a dump."

I didn't know whether to laugh out loud or to rip open the stall door, grab the cell phone away from him, and beat him to death with it.

a love song interrupted at times with sporadic gunfire.
That cracked me up too - bigtime!
Sorry to mix sports but I'd like some input on those using cell phones on the golf course. Should they be hanged, shot, or hanged and then shot?:cuss:

My cell phone is for my convenience, it stays off untill I want to call someone, or if it's really importqant for someone to get to me in a time critical situation ( and that doesn't happen very often). Even then, it's my business, & I do what I can to keep it that way. It isn't that hard.

I just don't understand dweebs that yammer too loudly in public places (it's gotta be an attention-getting thing - ), I don't appreciate the irresponsibilty of those who think their perosnal business is more important than public safety (i.e. those who can't steer & talk).

Idiot Cell Phone Users are getting higher & higher on my list of retribution for when I'm elected God . . . .

a five minute answering machine message that featured a wonderful rendition of a love song interrupted at times with sporadic gunfire.
Are you going into competition with Lawdog? :D
I think the problem with cell phones is that they are still a relatively "new" item. And there hasnt been a real system of etiquette attatched to them. There was a time when people typically YELLED into the receiver of a phone so they could be heard so far away. No ones mother taught them how to handle a cell phone so they have to figure it out themselves.It just takes some people (stupid ones) a longer time to figure out how to behave properly with a new thing.
Quoth Cosmoline:
You can tell a lot from listening to your powder, actually. I hold long conversations with mine. You've got to ask your powder, are YOUR needs being met? How do you feel about CCI primers? What about Federal brass? It takes a while for powders to open up, esp. old Du Pont/IMR cases. But then the answers come, and you can learn a lot.

Cosmo, you've got too much time on your hands, dude...:neener:
I just love it when folks at the range and complain about noise from other shooters. What they hell are they thinking by doing crap like TALKING on the phone????? Heck, I hope he doesn't make any loud noise, like maybe shooting a gun or something like that! Such a loud noise might scare the other shooters.
I was at a public range once, and this guy was evidently trying out some new handloads, and when it was time for him to shoot - he RATHER LOUDLY requested that us peasants stop shooting so he could “listen†to his powder. He wasn’t wearing any hearing protection of any kind.…

Oh! A use for the S&W .50 magnum! :evil:

~G. Fink
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