Why don't we bomb cheering crowds?

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Dec 25, 2002
I recently saw on the news how another convoy was attacked, then set ablaze by a cheering crowd.

Why don't we strafe such crowds?

Such crowds are very clearly comprised of two types of "people":

1) The actual perpetrators

2) Sympathizers/supporters of the perpetrators

To my mind, that constitutes a very valid and obvious target that should be taken out.

Taking out such a crowd would serve three purposes:

1) Take out the perps

2) Take out supporters/sympathizers of perps

3) Send a very clear message demonstrating what happens when you attack American interests and support those who do.

What do you think?
Guaranteed to win over hearts and minds world wide Dr J. You did take and pass that Dale Carnegie "How to Win Friends and Influence People" Class didn't ya? :D
I would be all for it.
I don't believe in fighting a war with one arm tied behind your back.
I don't blieve in fighting a war based on what the news media says is OK.
I am not, and have never been PC.

Upon hearing of an ambush, or disabled vehicle I would immediately put an AC130 in orbit around the crash site. When I thought the crowd had reached it's zenith, I would turn them loose and order them not to come back with a single round of ammo.

We will never succeed by following an endless list of rules that give the enemy all the advantages.

Three posts and all agree with me!

I'm still waiting for the flamers to come by.... (No, not those kinds of "flamers"! :D )

As I said above, I simply do not see such targets as "innocent."
The good Doctor has a good idea!

Remember that crowd that was dancing in the street after 9/11/01??
I wanted them blown up as well.

When we are done with them we could get some of the "enemy within" to boot!
Imagine if we had to fight WWII again, only we absolutely couldn't under any circumstances, kill a civilian. Under no circumstances would any civilian area be targeted even if Hitler was standing there waving at us. Throughout the whole war, every accident that occured, the American news media had the surviving relatives on live interviews about what bastards we all are. Every piece of private property that we damaged had to be paid for and every property owner got to appear on American TV saying what bastards we all are.......................................................

What we do now doesn't work. And it never will work.
These people don't like us and never will. No matter how we treat them, no matter how much money we pump into their economy, no mattter how much charity we give them, the will NEVER like us.
Acting like they will someday if only we do the right things is a recipe for defeat.
I'd like to see our sniper teams a litte more busy. AK-47, RPG...BANG. I understand they have been used some, but oportunites abound!
unfriendly crowds

Make it mandatory to put the loudest reporters on the convoy that might be attacked and see what happens
Chris - they just don't get it.

Guys - just because some Iraqis act like animals does not mean that Americans should act in the same way. We must exercise restraint and try to limit the casualties on both sides.
By having crowds react to those bombings like that really says something about how many friends we have over there.

We shouldn't be helping people like that.

Kill them on the battlefield or let them rot.
I am all for exercising restraint and trying to limit the casualties on both sides. However I am far more concerned with limiting the casualties on our side. I certainly don't advocate targeting "civilians" for no reason, but when US units are attacked, I know we should retaliate hard and fast. They initiated the action, we should finish the action.
As was mentioned in the first post, these people arn't just inocent bystanders in their homes breast feeding their babies. They purposely ran to the scene of the action to rejoice in the deaths of Americans and to praise the brave warriors that killed those Americans.

And if they video tape the carnage and put it on television maybe they will hate us, and plot terrorist attacks against us, and kill American soldiers. No, wait a mintue, they are doing that now.
And maybe if they televise the carnage the rest of the world will see it and condem our actions and they will hate us also. No, wait a minute, they are doing that now.

This reminds me of the gun control issue. Many gun owners honestly believe that if only we use certain words, or dress in a certain way, or act sophisticated, or only own certain types of guns, the antis will realize we arn't such bad guys and the whole issue will just go away.
That strategy isn't working either.
444 -

I'm not willing to give anyone a pass for accidentally killing a noncombatant. There is NO EXECUSE for killing a noncombatant, EVER.

That aside, there's a world of difference between accidentally killing a bystander and deliberately murdering civilians who are not bearing arms against the US. Killing noncombatants is evil, and anyone who advocates such is evil as well.

Moral issues aside, deliberately targeting noncombatants is handing PR victories to the insurgents. The USG has already lost enough of its moral standing; strafing crowds of civilians is about the only thing that could make it worse.

- Chris
While watching the news haven't you ever thought what a perfect time to see napalm canisters arcing lazily into the cameras veiw?
I dont want to seem insensitive here.
All i am saying is we either deal with this now and kick some ass OR, it's gonna come back on us.
To the muslims, it seems to me ,kindness is weakness.
History tells us that the power of the media cannot be underestimated. i suggest we get most of the lefty media to cover street demonstrations till further developments. :)

Some threads make me wonder whether this board is even worth it.

I think we need a crying smilie. :(
Ok, I'm evil.
And people that rejoice over the dead are evil also.

"deliberately targeting noncombatants is handing PR victories to the insurgents"
And again, when they get the PR victory maybe they will hate us, and try to kill us, and carry out terrorist activities against us. And maybe here at home the President and his administration will be harshly criticised. And maybe the rest of the world will criticise us.
Well, being nice has worked so well in the Sunni Triangle :rolleyes:

If the carrot don't work, then get out the stick.

Put me in the evil column.

The celebrants are not non-combatants and certainly not civilians. They are in full support of the ACT and, therefore, are fair game.
Some of you are only human by biological designation.

And people blather about those evil leftists and their "moral relativism"...

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