Why have rifles?

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Nice one Oleg. Just out of curiosity, where do all these posters end up?

Is there a place we can buy them?

Shortly (within weeks), some posters will become available in a web store that's being designed right now.

I'll make an AR15 and M1A versions, too.
Wow! Says a lot with few words. Well done!

I agree, a different rifle might be more acceptable to fence sitters. An AR, or an M-1...

"And to make Prarie Dogs Explode!".
That would defnitely require a different rifle. I don't think you could hit a P-dog with an AK beyond 75 yards. And I've tried with my SAR-3!
Oleg Volk said:
Shortly (within weeks), some posters will become available in a web store that's being designed right now.

I'll make an AR15 and M1A versions, too.

No FAL? :(

The Free World's Right Arm needs to be represented. :D
Excellent as is, and a version with a Rev. War era musket and an M16 would even better drive home the multi-use message. Top notch work, Oleg!:)
In the spirit of making something American-oriented, sheeple-friendly that some have mentioned, how about (a) an American-made rifle (non-auto, lever-action maybe) and (b) American family on the cover - ordinary-looking husband, blond wife, 2 children (maybe 8 years old and an infant). That'll be work for the American marketplace.
Oleg Volk said:
I have an Enfield #4 but not a FAL. Might have a loaner FAL for pics though.

Hw do you not have a FAL? Oleg, quite frankly, I'm disappointed. :scrutiny:

j/k :neener:

Thanks for the posters and well, everything else.:D
Maxwell said:
Nice poster, keeps it simple and clear.

Well to each his own, the Kalashnikov is probly the worlds most well known modern rifle tho (and has the most shock value to a US viewer :evil: ).

It changes the posters meaning, because many people who think "civilian rifle" think something a deer hunter would use. Not as a useful tool for defense and war that should be in every home.

The whole point of owning weapons is that their not just for sport. Therefore the 2nd amendment didnt just mean target pisols, pepperspray and tazers.

+1 Good Sir!
Oleg Volk said:
Shortly (within weeks), some posters will become available in a web store that's being designed right now.

I'll make an AR15 and M1A versions, too.

Sweet Marion Barry, I'll have to choose which are my favorites to hang about the house.

I used to have a FAL made from STG kit. Didn't really like it. DSA rifles I used later were much better, but also much more expensive. I pretty much standardized on AR15 and M15 types...don't get enough training as it is.
Maxwell said:
The whole point of owning weapons is that their not just for sport. Therefore the 2nd amendment didnt just mean target pisols, pepperspray and tazers.

Pepperspray and tazers are illegal where I'm at. So are stun guns and spring batons and "night sticks" and nunchuks and throwing knives and ninja stars... well, you get the idea. We absolutely NEED firearms here, because we're not allowed to have anything else! :neener:
Oh, YEAH!!!

Oleg Volk said:

I used to have a FAL made from STG kit. Didn't really like it. DSA rifles I used later were much better, but also much more expensive. I pretty much standardized on AR15 and M15 types...don't get enough training as it is.

That one is PERFECT!!!!

1911Tuner said:
I think that...for the sake of not turning folks off and lending the idea of the "AmericanTradition"...I'd add a Rifle-Musket or Trapdoor Springfield...a Winchester lever gun...A Springfield '03...a Garand...
and switch the Kalashnikov for an M-16. Maybe the caption:
"What purpose has the rifle served through our history."

Dittos 1911Tuner....the two most popular activities rifles are noted for didn't get mentioned, Hunting and Target (or recreational) Shooting
purposes of rifles

I agree with the poster, but to ignorant people, the AK is a street-sweeper made for hunting humans. Maybe put a picture of a different type of rifle for each purpose: bolt action for hunting/defending livestock?
AK is a universal sport-utility rifle. My original version listed more uses, but brevity prevailed.

I'll make more PC variants, too...a nice wood-stocked Garand with black top 06 lurking inside, sullenly awaiting a chance to speak in the directions of an errant JBT stack who came to eminent-domain away my cat :eek:
I agree with the poster, but to ignorant people, the AK is a street-sweeper made for hunting humans. Maybe put a picture of a different type of rifle for each purpose: bolt action for hunting/defending livestock?
I think that the true audience for this poster is not an "anti" or non-gun-owning-soccer-mom-fence-sitter. It is the snob hunter, skeet shooter, or benchrest shooter who sees no "use" for ugly EBRs.

For so many, basic home defense and tyrrant control never enters their mind. They live in a nice "safe" neighborhood and are "free" to own and use their $6,000 guns for "sport."
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