Why isn't there a Pro-2nd Amendment equivalent to Bloomberg?

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Oct 21, 2005
Why isn't there a Pro-2nd Amendment equivalent to Michael Bloomberg? Someone who not only has money but the recognition and headlines?


Bloomberg Plans a $50 Million Challenge to the N.R.A.


Michael R. Bloomberg, making his first major political investment since leaving office, plans to spend $50 million this year building a nationwide grass-roots network to motivate voters who feel strongly about curbing gun violence, an organization he hopes can eventually outmuscle the National Rifle Association.

Mr. Bloomberg’s blueprint reimagines the way gun control advocates have traditionally confronted the issue. Rather than relying so heavily on television ad campaigns, Mr. Bloomberg will put a large portion of his resources into the often-unseen field operations that have been effective for groups like the N.R.A. in driving single-issue, like-minded voters to the polls.

The strategy will focus not on sweeping federal restrictions to ban certain weapons, but instead will seek to expand the background check system for gun buyers both at the state and national levels.
Because there is usually one idiot per thousand sane people in the world. All the smart people get together and support the huge lobby organization that is the NRA. All it takes is one determined and rich and disillusioned person to speak on behalf of the millions of people that don't care, thus tipping the scales. More money gets you a bigger voice in a government like we have today.
Guess he can waste his money if he wants to... lol
Guns are becoming more and more popular with the U.S. population...
We all grew up with anti-gun propaganda and now were tired of it...
Why isn't there a Pro-2nd Amendment equivalent to Michael Bloomberg?
No one else has the Money, the platform and the power that he has.

He has the money, he is a former mayor of the biggest city in the country. And has been well known for decades in the financial arena. He owns media outlets.

Who do we have? Ted Nugent? A dozen or so Hollywood Actors?
Forget Bloomberg for a moment, my question is; whay aren't there more Pro 2A groups to visibly offset groups like Moms Demanding Action, etc.?

In SC our Governor only recently signed a Bill into law that allows us to carry into restaurants that serve alcohol. The League of Women Voters has teamed up with the Moms group and they are holding "informational" meetings around the State under the guise of "educating" business owners on "how to comply with the new law". That's code for; encourage business owners to post legally enforceable No Concealed Weapons signs. The LOWV held such an event Monday night in Sumter, SC. I called, emailed and texted at least 30 people who I thought would want ot preserve this recently acquired privelege. About 8 showed up at the meeting.

I don't understand the apathy from our side, the NRA can't do it all.
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Forget Bloomberg for a moment, my question is; whay aren't there more Pro 2A groups to visibly offset groups like Moms Demanding Action, etc.?

In SC our Governor only recently signed a Bill into law that allows us to carry into restaurants that serve alcohol. The League of Women Voters has teamed up with the Moms group and they are holding "informational" meetings around the State under the guise of "educating" business owners on "how to comply with the new law". That's code for; encourage business owners to post legally enforceable No Concealed Weapons signs. The LOWV held such an event Monday night in Sumter, SC. I called, emailed and texted at least 30 people who I thought would want ot preserve this recently acquired privelege. About 8 showed up at the meeting.

I don't understand the apathy from our side, the NRA can't do it all.
I don't want to derail the thread. But to add what you said. When that "Moms" group showed up in Phoenix to protest to the governor and meet the legislature...only one person from our side allegedly showed up.

Because we are a small minority of people. Most people do not care about "gun rights". I'm an NRA member but I am not a "1 issue" guy. We let way too many far right wing nuts into our camp to ever become mainstream. You may flame me for that but you know it's true.
usmarine0352_2005 had a valid question, but several other folks decided to drag this off topic and make it political.
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