Why Oslo's Hopes Turned To Dust

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May 24, 2003
September 9, 2003



TEN years later, it is embarassing to recall the elation and soaring expectations.
President Bill Clinton lauded it as a "great occasion of history." Secretary of State Warren Christopher ruminated on how "the impossible is within our reach." Yasser Arafat called it an "historic event, inaugurating a new epoch." Foreign Minister Shimon Peres of Israel discerned in it "the outline of peace in the Middle East."

The press hyped it, providing saturation coverage on television and radio, in newspapers and magazines. Pundits like Anthony Lewis of The New York Times called it "ingeniously built" and "stunning."

The date was Sept. 13, 1993, and the occasion was the signing of the Oslo accords on the White House lawn. Yitzhak Rabin, Israel's prime minister, and Arafat, the Palestinian leader, stood by President Clinton and shook hands. For years afterward, "The Handshake" (as it was known) served as the symbol of successful peacemaking.

The agreement they signed, the "Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements" (to use its formal name) inspired widespread optimism that the Arab-Israeli conflict was at least about to be resolved. Other than a hardy band of skeptics, the world saw in the Oslo accords a brilliant solution whereby each side would achieve what it most wanted: dignity and autonomy for the Palestinians, recognition and security for the Israelis.

Instead, Oslo brought the Palestinians poverty, corruption, a cult of death, suicide factories and militant Islamic radicalization. The Israelis have mainly suffered from terrorism's toll of 854 murders and 5,051 injuries, plus assorted economic and diplomatic losses.

This Saturday marks the 10th anniversary of Sept. 13, 1993. By now, the name "Oslo" is mud among Palestinians and Israelis alike, with no one anymore seeing it "inaugurating a new epoch" - except for the worse.

What went wrong?

Many things, but most important was that the deal rested on a faulty Israeli premise that Palestinians had given up their hope of destroying the Jewish state. This led to the expectation that if Israel offered sufficient financial and political incentives, the Palestinians would formally recognize the Jewish state and close down the conflict.

Israelis therefore pushed themselves to make an array of concessions, in the futile hope that flexibility, restraint and generosity would win Palestinian goodwill. In fact, these steps made matters worse by sending signals of apparent demoralization and weakness. Each concession further reduced Palestinian awe of Israeli might, made Israel seem more vulnerable and incited irredentist dreams of annihilating it.

The result was a radicalized and mobilized Palestinian body politic. In speech and actions, via claims to the entire land of Israel and the murder of Israelis, the hope of destroying Israel acquired ever-more traction.

Thus did the muted Palestinian mood at Oslo's start in 1993 turn into the enraged ambition evident today.

When intermittent Palestinian violence turned in September 2000 into all-out war, Israelis finally awoke from seven years of wishful thinking and acknowledged Oslo's disastrous handiwork. But they have not yet figured with what to replace it. Likewise, the U.S. government, with the collapse of its Mahmoud Abbas gambit last week, finds its "road map" diplomacy in disarray, and it now too needs new thinking.

In the spirit of Oslo's 10th anniversary, I propose a radically different approach for the next decade:

* Acknowledge the faulty presumption that underlay both Oslo and the road map (Palestinian acceptance of Israel's existence).

* Resolve not to repeat the same mistake.

* Understand that diplomacy aiming to close down the Arab-Israeli conflict is premature until Palestinians give up their anti-Zionist fantasy.

* Make Palestinian acceptance of Israel's existence the primary goal.

* Impress on Palestinians that the sooner they accept Israel, the better off they will be. Conversely, so long they pursue their horrid goal of extermination, diplomacy will remain moribund and they will receive no financial aid, arms or recognition as a state.

* Give Israel license not just to defend itself but to impress on the Palestinians the hopelessness of their cause.

When, over a long period of time and with complete consistency, the Palestinians prove they accept Israel, negotiations can be re-opened and the issues of the past decade - borders, resources, armaments, sanctities, residential rights - be taken up anew. The sooner we adopt the right policies, the sooner that will be.

Daniel Pipes (www.DanielPipes.org) is director of the Middle East Forum.
TEN years later, it is embarassing to recall the elation and soaring expectations.
.ooooooooooo9 nano-seconds after they announced that they intended to try to appease terrorist scumbags, I was not only embarassed, but also disgusted to the core of my being.

Ten years. Feh! :barf:

ArraRAT says that it is all or nothing, or the murder-bombing of children continues.

I'd say something like 'OK. Nothing then. BANG! Who is next in command?'
Instead, Oslo brought the Palestinians poverty, corruption, a cult of death, suicide factories and militant Islamic radicalization.

an utterly laughable attempt to rewrite history. The Palestinians were poorer in 1993, died (and continue to die) at the hands of the IDF in "accidents" or "mistakes" like the twelve year old boy killed by shrapnel from a tank shell a couple of days ago, and the likes of IJ and HAMAS were established and effective well before 1993. the whole article is attempting to justify a licence for continued subjection.

the current Israeli administration bears a great deal of responsibility for the mess; not only for its own repeated breaches of whatever peace plan, roadmap or scheme is attempted (through attacks and illegal settlements) but also for its attacks which are designed to result in only one response - what did the IDF think would happen when they tried to kill Yassin?
Yeah, right, Ag, it's all the fault of those damn jews. If only they had had the decency to all die in the camps or to lose at least one of the wars the arabs have declared against them it would all be better... :barf:
Ag has a point. AraRAT has been leading the Palestinians down the crapper for a lot longer than 10 years. One would think they would have finished swirling down the bowl by now, given how willingly they follow. :rolleyes:
ara RAT is nothing but a third-world thug. Well-known, but still only a thug.
Many who try to understand this confilict, continue to ignore the key fact that is brought out (again) in this article -- the goal of the PLO, Arafat, Hamas, and all the others is NOT a two state solution, with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace. The true goal is the elimination of Israel and the extermination of the Jews.

Because of this, all the "road maps" and "accords" are wishfull thinking on the part of many Americans, some Israeli's, most Europeans, and useful cover for the terrorists.

I continue to be amazed at how many people refuse to acknowledge this fundamental fact. It has not changed one bit since the founding of the PLO. It is kind of like the refusal of many to believe what Adolf Hitler spelled out in great detail in "Mein Kampf", until it was far too late.

The Palestinians can have their independent state any time they want! All they have to do is eliminate the terrorists among them who harbor and promote their genocidal dream. All else -- boundaries, water rights, settlements, etc. is doable after that single step is taken. If that single step is not taken, there will be war.
I'm no expert by any stretch, but it seems to me as long as you treat the Pali leadership as equals and negotiate with them as such, wanton murder and death will be the inevitable result.

These cretins are terrorists who want to finish the job Hitler started 65 years. They are not interested in 'living in peace with Israel.' They want there to be no Israel.

The only solution I see is all-out war. After Israel destroys most of these savages within a couple weeks, the Palis will be begging for peace.
As a side comment, anyone notice that members of Hamas, et al, even homicide bombers, are uniformly referred to in the media as Palestinian "militants"? Isn't this a fascinating euphemism for terrorist? Imagine if we had attempted to describe Timothy McVeigh as a "militant"? :barf:
Ain't nuthin' positive gonna happen in the middle east until Arafat is dead or exiled on the planet Mars.

The man is not a politician.
The man is not a diplomat.
The man is a terrorist whose entire life is devoted to killing. Matter of fact he is the most prolific innovator in the techniques of terrorism. He pioneered airplane hijacking and now exploding useful fools.

No guarantees of any progress after he leaves.

The irreducible minimum for any hope of progress is Arafat gone either in distant exile or dead.

If I know it, how come Powell and Bush don't know it.
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