WI: Senate floor vote on CCW bill

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The damn firewall at work is preventing me from listening to the streaming debate. Guess that's a good thing considering I'm in all-day meetings.

As soon as anyone hears an update please be sure to post!

I don't know why I'm so damn excited... I should save this for when the majority veto-override vote is happening. :banghead:
'Taint anything happening anyway at this time :cuss:

They are STILL talking about the FIRST bill on the floor. At the beginning of the session (1½ hours late-of course), someone said that they'd like to be able to close/end the session by 4:30 HA HA. I knew that wouldn't happen.

They are talking right now about the High Risk Insurance and it's admendments.

Is your evening free???? Didn't want any sleep tonight did you? :banghead:

Are they required to get through every order of business before they're done for the day? Can't things "roll over" into the next day? Now that I think of it, probably not. They'd never accomplish a damn thing.
They are currently on the 5th bill, just started, but have just broke for a 30± minute caucus (lunch type break-planning session).

This bill is to determine whether the state will continue to 'index' it's tax on gas w/out any legislative action. Right now, the gas tax goes up automatically every April 1st - YA, happy april fools day.

I was wrong with my previous posting, they were on the 2nd bill, then somehow they skipped one or two other ones... :confused:

Should be back in action about 2:30 or so, then we'll see.


IIRC, it was either $125 for 5 years or $125 per year. Anywho, Blago is a lame duck. He won't get re-elected. He has no supporters (other then his campaign contributors.) He is loathed, hated and depised downstate. His "friends" in Chicago are tepid at best, they may mouth the words, but they don't mean them. He has too many enemies. The hope is that the Republicans don't commit fratricide in the spring and we get a strong 2A/CCW candidate like Gidwitz, Rauschenberger or Oberweis. Topinka is very weak on 2A/CCW issues.
Good luck guys.

Someone should have given me a Wi. address so I could call and voice an opinion. I could say i'm so and so of (insert city) and this is how I want you to vote.

Couldn't they use Gerrymandering to redraw the districts to cover eastern Michigan.:evil:
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