WI: Senate floor vote on CCW bill

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Dec 25, 2002
Decatur, AL
A floor vote in the Wisconsin state Senate on the Personal Protection Act concealed carry bill is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6th.

The outcome of this vote will set the tone for the vote in the Assembly, as well as for the override votes in both the Senate and Assembly after Governor Doyle follows through on his promise to veto the bill. A strong vote in our favor in the Senate will pressure members of the Assembly to follow suit.

In the past, Governor Doyle used the State Troopers as props for his opposition to the bill. With the Wisconsin Troopers Association now having come out in favor of the bill, and with many other law enforcement groups now endorsing the bill, the momentum is with us, not the governor.

We need to build on that momentum by keeping pressure on our legislators.

We can win this fight, but only if we all remain committed.

Please make every effort possible to be at the Capitol on Tuesday at about 9:30 to 10 am. Stop in at Senator Zien's office at Room 15 South in the Capitol to pick up your PPA supporter stickers. Then stop in at your state senator's office to urge him or her to vote for the bill.

We also need to have a barrage of emails and phone calls to state senators. Not a smattering. Not a few phone calls or emails.

A barrage of email and phone artillery.

Call it "shock and awe." We need to stun them with our sheer numbers.

Therefore, it is absolutely critical that you email your state senator, and then follow up that email immediately with a phone call. You can find your state senator's email address and phone number by going to and typing in your address.

Your message can be as simple as, "I am a registered voter, and I want you to vote for the Personal Protection Act," or words to that effect. Personalize your email us much as possible. If you're a registered Democrat, and your senator is a Democrat, it is even more important that you let your senator know your party affiliation.

In order to avoid bogging down the email system at the Capitol, and to avoid ticking off people we're trying to keep on our side, we ask that emails and phone calls be scheduled as follows:

If your last name begins with the letters A through M, please send your email and then make your follow-up phone call on Friday.

If your last name begins with the letters N through Z, please send your email and then make your phone call on Monday.

As always, emails and calls to the staffers of your legislators should be polite, but to the point.

We have always outnumbered our opponents on this issue, and by a huge margin. It's time to show our state senators just how many Wisconsin voters support this bill.

So, please, make every effort possible to attend the Senate vote. If you've never seen our legislators in action, this will be a real education for you, your spouse, your children, and your friends.

Even if you're not able to attend, do not forget to send your email and make your phone call.

Once you've done that, please forward this email to every single gun owner you know, and to every last person you know who believes in the God-given right of self defense.

Make no mistake: with recent events, and ongoing efforts, our chances of winning are better than they were last year, when we lost by just one single vote.

One single vote out of 132. That's all it took for Doyle to win. This time around, we're in a far better position to change those numbers to our side.

But we can only win if you and every other supporter does everything necessary to reach our goal.

The Wisconsin Concealed Carry Association
Good luck guys.

That would only leave three states left- NE, KS, and IL.

Although in reality you can't get ccw in HI.

Remember the antis will show up in force on this vote.

One thing they do not like is CCW.
"Remember the antis will show up in force on this vote."

We always outnumber them by at least 20:1. Let's not break a proud tradition!

People who are in Wisconsin should read this. Then they should poke at their elected critters a bit with some letters and emails and phone calls.
If wisconsin gets it, it is one step (all though a very large step) closer for IL... republic of Daley.....
Jadecristal, xenophon, we've never before asked people to email right before a floor vote. Stubbornly, I insisted that people hand-write their legislators.

I was wrong.

The folks from Minnesota's CCRN convinced me otherwise. They actually had people emailing every legislator--even those who didn't represent them--and all in one day. It shut down the email servers at the Capitol.

One of the key staffers advised that we not go that far, since there are legislators whom we need to keep on our side. Shutting down their staffers' ability to email to other offices might just tick off the very people who hold the power: the staffers.

The WCCA has several thousand email addresses. Many, if not most, of those who receive our alerts forward them to others. Sometimes dozens of others, sometimes hundreds.

On top of that, other gun groups in the state forward our email alerts, as well as those from Senator Zien, to thousands more.

My guesstimate is that our email alerts reach at minimum 30,000 supporters. Senator Zien doesn't believe that but, then, he doesn't know how to even turn on his computer. ;)

They're so popular that the Million Mommies have even signed up for them. ;)

This will be the first test of whether supporters of CCW will take the time to email and then make a phone call prior to a critical vote, and then rally their friends and relatives to do the same.

It will also be the first test of how many supporters are still willing to fight after being betrayed by the vote of just one single turncoat last year.

The measure of the will of Wisconsin gun owners will be tallied up before 10am on Tuesday.

I hope they don't disappoint us all.
Bill numbers

Hmm. I also seem to be having edit problems.

According to the Janesville Gazette, we have AB 763 and SB 403. For those that might not know, or be too lazy to look it up.
Done. Neal Kedzie called and e-mailed.
Done Rep Steve Nass called and e-mailed.

I actually talked to Rep Nass about this several years ago and he sent me the text of the bill that was up then. (Between 1999 and 2001.)


Senator Carol Roessler...Called and emailed.
Representative John Townsend....Called (got VM) and emailed.

Dick, any idea how Townsend is going to vote? In the past I would call him anti-CCW based on his comments and past votes. Last time around I think he only voted for the override.

Today, everyone. If you haven't called, this would be the time. Preferably earlier in the day, rather than later.
Let's get this vote passed, WI. Tim Carpenter has heard from me, not that it will matter :rolleyes:, but nonetheless I've given my 2 cents. I look forward to seeing all who will attend at the capitol today.

Anyone know what time the vote will take place? Or when we'll know the result?
It's going to be pretty late I think:
The PPA is the 6th item on the agenda
Banning gay marriage
The automatic gas tax indexing (repealing it)
Then PPA

Prob not until late this afternoon or this evening.


It *THINK* it's live..... there may be a 3 second type delay in case some Democrats start spouting off too much LOL

If Wisconsin can get it passed, then I predict Illinois can point to MO and WI as examples of how to get it done and maybe we can have CCW here in the next 2-3 years. (Hey !! A man can dream, can't he....)

I'd rather have the anti's on the defensive trying to stop pro-gun legislation then on the offensive, with us trying to stop anti-gun legislation.

I can't wait to read the editorials in the Chicago Papers, predicting "Blood in the Streets of Wisconsin" and "Wisconsin, Welcome to the Wild, Wild West".
I lived in the Chicago suburbs and every time this came up Edgar would veto it and he was a REPUBLICAN! :banghead:

Now you guys have a liberal Democrat in office:(

Anyway, I wish Wisconsin and Illinois the best in getting CCW passed.

scout26 said:
maybe we can have CCW here in the next 2-3 years.
Scout, just how much was Governor Blagojevich
going to charge you for your FOID cards?

(Firearms Owner Identification Cards for you non midwesterners)
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