WI: WGO to target Senator Dave Zien!!!

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Dec 25, 2002
Decatur, AL
"Executive Director" has absolutely lost all his marbles. He's targetting one of the most pro-gun legislators we have, and the most vocal advocate for concealed carry. This is nuts.



Dave Zien is used to being called lots of things by opponents for his position on concealed weapons. “Nut” and zealot” are just some of the favorites. But “liberal” and “98 to 99 percent anti-gun” are new ones.

Wisconsin Gun Owners Inc. has notified the state Elections Board that it plans to do independent expenditures opposing Zien, R-Eau Claire, in his re-election bid for the 23rd Senate District. The group’s executive director, Corey Graff, said Zien and Dem Gov. Jim Doyle are its top targets, though the Republican lawmaker may become the focus of its effort this fall. He said grassroots gun activists are well aware of Doyle’s “anti-gun” views, but it may take more work to educate them about Zien.

“It’s much more difficult to organize the grassroots against the devil dressed in white, which is what Dave Zien is right now,” Graff said.

Zien is expected to breeze through his primary challenge Tuesday from Karen Anderson. Dems have targeted him – yet again – in the general election, this time with former TV anchor Pat Kreitlow.

He also isn’t likely to hurt for support from gun owners; the National Rifle Association is backing his candidacy.

But Graff complains about what he says was Zien's willingness to “cave to the anti-gunners” as he helped craft legislation during the past session to end Wisconsin’s ban on concealed weapons for those who undergo training and obtain a permit. Zien and state Rep. Scott Gunderson, R-Waterford, accepted a series of amendments to the bill – sometimes reluctantly – as they tried to build a veto-proof majority, knowing that Doyle would reject the legislation has he had before.

At one point in the debate, Zien had expressed dissatisfaction with the amended bill and hinted he might vote against it if the changes watered it down too much. But he still supported it in the Senate and voted to override Doyle’s veto.

“He’s been selling us out left and right on concealed carry,” Graff said. “We’re extremely dissatisfied with Zien and perhaps the people in District 23 need to hear about the games he’s been playing with their freedom.”

Founded in 2003, Graff said WGO has created a PAC and is trying to up its fundraising so it can have some kind of public presence in Zien’s re-election campaign. But he wouldn’t say what that strategy is, and the group hadn’t filed a report with the state Elections Board as of Thursday. According to the Internal Revenue Service Web site, the PAC was established June 20 of this year.

Darren LaSorte, the NRA’s lobbyist for Wisconsin, dismisses WGO as politically unrealistic and notes its Web site refers to the National Rifle Association as a gun control group.

He said the NRA is strongly backing Zien in his re-election bid and did a grassroots seminar with more than 100 people to teach them how to distribute literature, make calls and “do just about anything he needs to get elected.” The group hopes it doesn’t need to run any ads in the district to help Zien but will if needed, LaSorte said.

“We’re doing just about everything we can to make sure he comes back and has another round of efforts on the Personal Protection Act,” LaSorte said.
This guy is a total IDIOT !!:banghead:

I think you're right Dick, Graff is a gun CONTROL group of ONE, that hides behind Vermont or Alaska carry as an ONLY option.

Stupid **** :cuss:
This is putting Zien in the weirdest position I've ever heard of.

On the one hand, Kreitlow is calling Zien an "extremist" on the gun issues. And, on the other, Executive Director is calling Zien "anti-gun."

After the elections, I'm going to have some pretty interesting things to say about WGO.

I also find it fascinating that WGO's political action committee didn't file a report as of Thursday. The deadline for the pre-primary report was Tuesday.

Could it be that WGO-PAC didn't raise any money? Wouldn't surprise me.

The WCCM has already raised over $30,000 this year (after the banquet and gun auction expenses, we contributed about $22,000 to candidates).

The "buzz" in Madison is that WGO may try to raise $10,000 to $20,000 to spend on radio ads against Zien.

What will that accomplish? It will only help the campaign of a true anti-gunner, Pat Kreitlow. :fire:
This is putting Zien in the weirdest position I've ever heard of.

On the one hand, Kreitlow is calling Zien an "extremist" on the gun issues. And, on the other, Executive Director is calling Zien "anti-gun."

I may be out in left field, but isn't it possible this will help Zien? Kreitlow calling him an "extremist" on gun issues, while a supposed gun organization is calling Zien "anti-gun"... so isn't that like saying Kreitlow is full of dung?

I dunno. It's another angle anyway.
Trip20, it will put the focus right back on the concealed carry issue.

Dave (Zien) has been trying to focus his campaign on the pocketbook issues that most voters care about.

By calling attention back to CCW, Executive Director will be playing right into Kreitlow's hands.

If WGO really cared about CCW, Executive Director wouldn't be playing these games. There's something more going on.
Organizations like WGO make the rest of us gun lobbyists look sane and reasonable! Some people just don't get it.

Is WGO affiliated with any other gun group?
Dirty Politics

Guys, I wouldn't be surprised to see lots more big lies told in this upcoming election. The media sided with the Doyle camp last time around. The media controls the masses. The masses will vote how the media tells them to. Doyle camp will tell the media what image to portray. One big happy family. :banghead: NRA = Dump Doyle :D
Is WGO affiliated with any other gun group
I've heard around here about a group that's supposedly pro-gun, but the money trail and the rediculous extremist stance show they are actually out to cause damage. Would this be the one?
I wish there was a way to stop these WGO guys they are so freaking carazy I can't imagine what they motives are!! I have met Zien and he is as true to our cause as you could ever find.
I was raised in an Irish-American household, and I can remember my mother referring to certain individuals she said "Thought they were holier than the pope."

There are some gun rights "purists" who act the same way. For them, anyone who falls short of allowing any gun, by any person, any where, at any time, is an anti-gunner and should be condemned.

Philosophically I tend to agree with that, up to the point of condemning others actions. That view doesn't reflect political reality, where the tendency is to takes on issues one bite at a time. Given that Wisconsin has NO legal concealed carry at this time, there was nothing wrong with Zien's bill.

If you look at the new wave of CCW states (Florida and beyond), you'll find that all passed relative restrictive laws at first, and after the gun grabbers' prognostications of shoot-outs-at-fender-benders did not come to pass, relaxed the restrictions in subsequent legislation.

BTW, for the record, I belong to all of them, NRA, CCRKBA, SAF, GOA and half a dozen state-level gun rights advocacy organizations.
I think that this guy deserves some credit.

Most of the true "absolutists" in this community can accomplish nothing other than destroying good forums like Keepandbeararms.com with all their whining and accusations.

This guy actually raised some money and started a RKBA group! Of course, it goes without saying that he would cut off his nose to spite his face, but he is surely ahead of the game as far as raving absolutists go...
On the plus side, I guess WGO makes WCCM look good.

I don't live in Wisconsin, my only time there was a year ago to attend the NRA convention. I didn't see a WGO booth there. maybe I missed it?
Hk91 Fan, do a search for "WGO" here on this forum.

There's a lot of reasons to be suspicious of the group.

When you read what I have to say after the elections, I think you'll agree.
Lonnie, there's no way to prove that WGO is a "front group" for Doyle. Anyone who would say that publicly would be inviting a lawsuit.

Executive Director has already said things about various people, including me, that are close enough to the definition of libel that a lawsuit might be warranted. I don't want to get into that arena, though. We have enough of a fight with getting Green elected and keeping Republican majorities in the Senate and Assembly without the distraction of lawsuits.

Executive Director has been consistently dispensing the rope that will ultimately hang him.

If we get what I've been referring to as the "trifecta"--Mark Green as governor, and a Republican-controlled Senate and Assembly--I know with near certainty that WGO is going to try to derail the Personal Protection Act.

With each ridiculous statement, ED is reducing his base of supporters. I just sent out an email about the WGO vs. Zien issue less than two hours ago, and emails are pouring in from people asking what they can do to get rid of WGO.
Trip20, the "P.I" remark is precisely where ED came close to being sued by me.

In the WGO's last "newsletter," ED came within a vowel of saying that I had hired a private investigator to spy on him.

That was absolutely, positively, 100% false. Those of us who have fought for so long for this battle will not make the mistake of resorting to the sleaze-ball tactics our enemies use.
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ChestyP: "On the plus side, I guess WGO makes WCCM look good."

Look good compared to what?

You're not from WI, so I won't hold your comments against you.

Most of the WI members of The High Road are WCCA/WCCM volunteers. We've been at this for five long years.

The WCCA/WCCM is the only state gun group to have a political action committee to raise funds for pro-gun candidates. (The Wisconsin Gun Owners claims to have a PAC, but it looks like they didn't raise any money).

Chesty, I'm very proud to say that the WCCA volunteers have worked their tails off at gun shows, gun clubs, gun stores, and anywhere else where they could rally support.

There are volunteers who will--at the drop of the hat--give up their weekend plans and spend three solid days working gun shows in areas like Onalaska, or Shawano, or Eau Claire.

What's their immediate reward?

A luxury night at a Road Star Inn. Or worse. And Pizza Hut. Or worse.

And there's the difference.

"I didn't see a WGO booth there. maybe I missed it?"

You didn't miss it. The WGO doesn't do booths. Or gun shows. Or, near as I can tell, anything.

All they ("they," meaning ED) do is criticize those who do the work. And take in the money.

Every THR member who's put in time for concealed carry deserves a round of applause. It's been a very tough five years, so tough that some folks just lose sight of the goal.
Monkeyleg, I have a lot of respect for you. If I were in Wisconsin or a bordering state I'd be working the gun shows and some of the less known pro-self defense areas of the communities I know out there. Alas I am in Washington State, and though I'll be in Wisconsin, it would be after the election. :/

I presume that Senator Zien has a website, and that contributions can be made directly to his campaign through this site.

Why don't you post that information. There is more then one way to skin a cat. :evil:
Monkeyleg, my comment was a compliment to WCCM. Every movement has it's radical fringe that makes the more reasonable among us look good. WGO does that for WCCA/WCCM.

I suspect that WGO is not a "front group" for Doyle but simply an overzealous group who sees their purist way as the only way. Anyone not in agreement with them becomes "the enemy."

This is not an uncommon occurrence in the gun community. We frequently do better at eating our young than we do at fighting the real enemy. Then there are groups who take credit for the efforts of other groups.

I belong to as many gun rights advocacy groups as I can because I believe all have something to offer to the cause (with some exceptions). Which gets back to my original point: sometimes the ultra-extremists make the more realistic groups look downright reasonable.

E-mail me off line for additional observations.
Old Fuff, to the best of my knowledge, Zien doesn't have a site.

However, those so inclined can send contributions of up to $1000 to:

Friends of Dave Zien
PO Box 1858
Eau Claire, WI 54702-1858

The ultimate payback to WGO would be for anyone who's given money to the group to demand a refund, and then send the money to Zien's campaign. :evil:
I had a thought that Senator Zien might be a little discouraged (not to mention disgusted) with gun issues after being rawhided by WGO. Small (and large) contributions from gun owners with a short note explaining that the contribution is the sender's answer to WGO might not hurt the cause at all.

This gentleman is obviously a REAL pro-gun legislator, and we can't have to many of them, regardless of what state they're in.

I'm sure that most of us can spare a $10.00 bill, or maybe more. :cool:
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